How Pandemic Stress Is Impacting Your Period Symptoms—And the Best Way to Treat Them

A breakdown of how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown are impacting your period cycle, and what you can do to treat symptoms.

Being on your period is enough of an ordeal in normal times, let alone during a global pandemic when stress, anxiety, and the conditions of lockdown are upending cycles and exacerbating symptoms. "The COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc on women’s menstrual cycles, disrupting the normal hormonal balance and creating delayed, irregular and heavy periods," says Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN. "When this hormonal wiring is significantly disrupted, the balance is upset, and our bodies become out of sync." The fact is: Periods are a sign of overall health, which means monitoring and managing menstrual symptoms is an essential form of self-care. "Self-care can also mean focusing on your menstrual health and finding ways to create less stress for your cycles," says Dallas-based ob-gyn Jessica Shepherd. Here, a breakdown of how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown are impacting your period cycle, and what you can do to treat symptoms.

Pay Attention to Your Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is the monthly series of changes a body goes through, in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus (endometrium), in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy. When you menstruate, your body discards the monthly buildup of tissue that it no longer needs. "Typical pre-period symptoms can range from bloating, breast tenderness, water retention, fatigue, diarrhea and irritability to full blown PMS symptoms," says Ross. Premenstrual syndrome (also known as PMS) symptoms start 1 to 2 weeks before your period and are much more disruptive. "The majority of PMS symptoms, caused by normal cyclic hormonal changes, include bloating, weight gain, menstrual cramps, headaches, crying spells, depression, mood swings, anxiety, irritability and fatigue, quickly go away once your period begins," she adds. According to Ross, the psychological and emotional stress from the COVID-19 pandemic has created an increase in depression, anxiety, mood swings, irritability and crying spells, worsening these overlapping symptoms of PMS. Because stress interferes with the part of the brain that controls hormones, it can throw hormone levels out of whack and cause changes to your menstrual cycle such as "frequency, flow, and length," says Shepherd. Recognizing changes is the first step to addressing period symptoms that are causing you pain and discomfort. As Ross puts it, "Our periods are the perfect barometer of our mental and physical condition."

Monitor Your Stress and How It’s Impacting Your Menstrual Cycle

"Talking to my patients and understanding their level of stress is the first step in identifying how stress may interfere with their normal menstrual cycle, PMS symptoms and, overall reproductive health,” explains Ross, who recommends making a telehealth appointment or visiting a health care provider if symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or irritability, continue after your period begins. “Don’t ever be afraid to see your health care provider for support and treatment options—especially during the COVID pandemic, you have to be your best health care advocate,” says Ross. To help her patients navigate their menstrual cycles, Shepherd recommends they keep a menstrual log, tracking things such as pain and cravings. "Menstrual logs are important to help track the changes and also being open to conversation with your doctor about the changes," says Shepherd. You can keep notes manually with a notebook, or use one of the many period-tracking apps such as Clue, Flo, or Period Tracker, to log your data.

Stay Hydrated and Embrace Anti-Inflammatory Foods

"There are simple lifestyle changes that allow you to destress and become your healthiest self, keeping your mind, body and period in check," says Ross. Three pillars of staying healthy always, but especially during a period, are staying hydrated, eating mindfully, and getting enough sleep. To that end, Ross recommends drinking as much water as possible, at least 8 to 10 12 oz. glasses of water, and eating water-based foods (such as berries, celery, and cucumber) to help minimize water retention and bloating. Additionally, drinking warm or hot water has been found to relax the uterine muscles, so Ross recommends comforting hot tonics such as ginger and green tea. 

In terms of diet, avoid foods that are "classic causes of bloating" including beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and foods high in sodium. Instead, eat fresh fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and brown rice, to prevent bloating. Natural diuretics—think: celery, cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes, asparagus, lemon juice, and garlic—can help reduce bloating and swelling. In the same spirit, avoid unhealthy comforting coping mechanisms. "Overeating foods, drinking alcohol, smoking weed and cigarettes are unhealthy in your efforts to keep your menstrual cycle regular and your hormones balanced," says Ross.

Add a Heating Pad and/or Supplements to the Mix

For patients managing period pain, Shepherd recommends resting with an electric heating pad, which will boost circulation and relieve inflammation to help ease menstrual cramps. Another helpful tool for muscle tension, headaches in particular, is magnesium, which in conjunction with B6 has been found to be beneficial in reducing PMS symptoms. Citing medical study support, Ross also recommends probiotics, chasteberry, royal jelly, passion flower extract, and calcium as other helpful ways to treat some of the common symptoms of PMS.

Stay Active and Recharge Your Mind

To help reduce bloating and help with water retention, Ross recommends regular exercise 4-6 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes—particularly during quarantine when it's harder to stay active and keep the body moving. One of the most popular forms of exercise for period relief is yoga, as popular poses such as child's pose, downward-facing dog, and camel pose are known to help relieve cramps. Both Ross and Shepherd agree that practicing mindfulness is another important tool for period care. From meditation to breathwork, mindfulness activities can help reduce pain, fatigue, and stress.

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This story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Lauren Valenti
