Amid the long-term shift to working from from, 9 strategies for turning your work area into a more calming (and productive!) space.

How to Turn Your WFH Desk Into the Ultimate Self-Care Station in 2021
Considering that our jobs are at the root of much stress and anxiety, the idea of making your desk into an area of self-care might seem oxymoronic. But if you spend a large portion of your week—or even more, amid the long-term shift to working from home—at a designated workspace, it's somewhat necessary.
In the spirit of not just squeezing self-care into our schedule, but also multitasking (something of a way of life in today’s society), here are a slew of different strategies for turning your work area into a more soothing—and productive!—space.
The Instagrammable Diffuser
While powering through your workday, an essential oil diffuser can offer a multitude of health benefits, from decongestion to anxiety relief. Be it clarifying citrus or overactive-nerve-calming jasmine, your choice essential oil will be softly streamed into the air throughout the day. To add to the experience: Look for an aesthetically pleasing objet d' art, such as a #shelfie-ready ceramic sculpture, which doubles as an aromatherapy diffuser.
Vitruvi Porcelain Essential Oil Diffuser
$119NORDSTROMKitchibe Monolis Ceramic Diffuser
$222KITCHIBEProject 62 Oil Diffuser
$28PROJECT 62Jenni Kayne Medium Musk Ceramic Diffuser
$175JENNI KAYNEThe Arid Air Repellent
Stale air not only creates an uncomfortable environment, but can wreak havoc on skin. A hydrating face mist can help. Inspired by Queen Isabelle of Hungary’s famous youthful elixir, Caudalie’s Beauty Elixir imparts a dewy, supple glow with toning rose extract and rosemary essential oil, as well as a refreshing zing with astringent mint. Refreshing formulas from Alaffia and True Botanicals yield similar results with plant-powered ingredients, while Pause's facial mist, which is tailored to women experiencing premenopausal and menopausal symptoms, offers a cooling, anti-inflammatory effect for those contending with old-fashion radiators this winter.
Caudalie Beauty Elixir
$35AMAZONTrue Botanicals Organic Nutrient Face Mist
$28TRUE BOTANICALSAlaffia Coconut Reishi Nourishing Facial Toning Mist
$14ALAFFIAPause Well Hot Flash Cooling Mist
$39PAUSE WELLThe Afternoon Pick-Me-Ups
Ah, the inevitable afternoon slump. Instead of defaulting to a coffee run, consider reaching a sparkling herbal tonic like Sunwink's Lemon-Rose Uplift elixir, which is laced with rose, damiana, and lemon balm, or Droplet's Bright made with vitamin c-packed Yuzu and ginger, to brighten your mood and make you feel more at ease. Or, try mixing your own concoction with Golde's new Destress Ade made with coconut water and blueberry, or Moon Juice’s cult “Dusts” range, offered in single-use sachets with herbal formulations that improve cognition, mood, and overall energy. Just add it to your coffee or smoothie and voilà!
Sunwink Lemon-Rose Uplift 12 Pack
$48DRINK SUNWINKDroplet Pretty Bright
$20DROPLETGolde Destress Ade
$15GOLDEMoon Juice Full Moon Dust Box
$35SEPHORAThe Calming Scents
There are many ways to enjoy sense-stirring fragrances that feed your surroundings—and just make you feel better as the to-dos start to really pile on. You can light a scented candle, such as Apotheke's Hinoki Lavender blend, or reach for The CAPtivator mist with its addictive mix of sandalwood, neroli, and clary sage topped off with gardenia and lotus florals. There are also Volar's small, gilded vials, which are filled with a reinvigorating mix of amethyst and Hawaiian black salts infused with a unique mix of antiviral lavender, patchouli, and peppermint oils designed to ward off germs—and bad energy!
Apotheke Hinoki Lavender Candle
$38ApothekeAesop Ptolemy Aromatique Candle
$110AESOPThe CAPtivator Energy Mist
$46CAP BEAUTYVolar Calm Smelling Salts
$34VOLAR BEAUTYThe Hydration Station
If your body is dehydrated, it impacts everything from energy levels to brain function. To ensure you're drinking enough water, Los Angeles–based nutritionist Kimberly Snyder recommends drinking significant quantities of water between meals and throughout the day. In that spirit, keeping a water bottle by your side all day can help to help you to remember and chart your progress. For extra incentive and general tidiness, place your water bottle on a stunning tray, such as Marimekko's poppy-printed style.
Vapur Element 1 Liter Bottle
$12VAPURLARQ Bottle in Himalayan Pink
$95LARQBuildLife One Gallon Water Bottle
$17BUILDLIFEMarimekko Oiva Unikko Tray
$38MARIMEKKOThe Healing Crystals
If you subscribe to the school of healing crystals, there are an array of beautiful and balancing gems, from nervous-system calming lepidolite to motivation-inspiring citrine, that you can keep at arm's length. Or, to give your face some TLC, pause for a moment with The Detox Market's rose quartz facial roller, a one-two punch for a cathartic, mind-body release, eliminating negative emotions on a spiritual level , as well as offers a cooling, de-puffing facial on the spot.
Lepidolite Tower
$28AMBER THE ALCHEMYSTCitrine Gemstone Crystal
$15AMAZONCrystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing by Yulia Van Doren
$13AMAZONThe Detox Market Gemstone Facial Roller
$30THE DETOX MARKETThe Purifying Plants
Plants not only act as robust purifiers for recycled air, but have been linked to improving productivity, mood, and creativity. And as far as work-adjacent flora goes, you can’t go wrong with a Pilea. Known as the Chinese Money Plant because of its coin-like leaves, it’s a mainstay within Scandinavian interiors with lots of minimalist appeal, as well as relatively low-maintenance even for those without a green thumb.
The Sill Pilea Peperomioides in Ezra Planter
$29THE SILLBloomscape Red Prayer Plant
$35BLOOMSCAPEUrbanStems The Cathy
$50URBANSTEMSHorti Pilea Peperomioides
$22HORTIThe Standing Desk
They say sitting is the new smoking, given that consistent long hours of doing so are potentially linked to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Hence, the growing popularity for standing desks, which are said to boost blood flow, reduce back pain, improve posture, lower blood sugar, and aid in weight loss. If your interest is piqued, consider a retractable model that will help you ease into the transition, as well as allow you to oscillate between sitting and standing, as too much of the latter has its side effects, too.
Fully Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk
$584AMAZONTangkula Standing Desk
$190TANGKULAFlexispot Standing Desk
$250FLEXISPOTUplift Standing Desk
$499UPLIFTThe Warming Light
We can all agree: Dull and cool fluorescent lights can be a real drag, especially as the day goes on. To cozy things up, consider switching on a chic, streamlined desk lamp like with soft, warm light like Gantri's Cantilever Table Light, which will instantly improve—and elevate—the vibe of your space.
Gantri Cantilever Table Light
$98GANTRIMlambert Table Lamp
$36MLAMBERTArticle Orb
$69ARTICLECasper The Glow Light
$129CasperThis story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Lauren Valenti