A new mom shares the best gifts to give for little ones aged 1-12 months.

Need a Present for a New Parent? A Month-by-Month Gift Guide for Baby’s First Year
A year into quarantine life and it seems everyone has a pregnant friend—or five! And while it may be a few months before we can visit these new babes that doesn’t mean you need to wait to send them one of the best baby gifts. We’ve compiled a guide for the ideal offerings for every stage of development throughout the baby’s first year, including the newest products and launches: from Maisonette’s new Maison Me Baby pointelle separates and striped onesies to Audwell’s just-launched Baltic Birch learning tower. Herewith, a springtime update on the 12 Days of Christmas—12 months of baby gifts!
1 Month: Home from the Hospital
Mori’s baby clothes are so soft you want to swaddle yourself in them and the kimono and zipper styles are ideal for bringing the baby home from the hospital, when they’re still not thrilled about something being yanked over their head! Once home, keep them secure in a William Morris-printed dock-a-tot—it’s never too early to introduce them to the British Arts & Crafts master. And it’s never too early to breed a reader, some beautiful classics are always welcome!
Mori Welcome to Our World set
DockATot Grand Dock
$310DOCKATOTHMH Paul Galdone classic children’s book set
$115JUNIPER BOOKSWhen We Were Very Young, Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne
$15BOOKS OF WONDER2 Months: Baby Bath Buddies
Once the umbilical cord falls off, the baby is ready for the first bath, make sure they’re well-prepared for it with the adorable Otteroo, Weezie’s monogrammed gingham towel set, some bathtime reading, and these rubber water lilies (the more the prettier!).
Weezie baby bath bundle
$56WEEZIEOtteroo mini
$18OTTEROOOli & Carol Water Lily natural bath toy
$20ROSE & REXThe Rainbow Fish bath book by Marcus Pfister
$9BUY BUY BABY3 Months: Luxe Lounge Set
Everyone is settling in—a little!—and baby is starting to lounge between naps and eating. Let them enjoy themselves with the Munchkin bluetooth swing that rocks and soothes so Mom doesn’t have to since Mom will be busy writing thank you’s on this perfect Felix Doolittle stationary for all the incredible gifts she has received. Maison Me’s new baby pointelle set is the perfect loungewear!
Maison Me Kai short-sleeve tee, dusty blue pointelle
Maison Me Ricki pant, dusty blue pointelle
Munchkin swing with bluetooth
$190MUNCHKINFelix Dolittle Monkey Business note cards
$75FELIX DOOLITTLE4 Months: Sweet Dreams Sleep Training
It’s time for the baby to start trying to sleep through the night, which can be fraught so help make that as smooth a process as possible. If I had these Rajasthani block printed sheets and a downy sleep sack I would sleep all night too! A pair of La Coqueta pajamas and a Llama mobile doesn’t hurt either.
La Coqueta white Globo balloon sleepsuit
$55LA COQUETALand Of Bébé Bijou crib sheet
$68LAND OF BÉBÉLa Petite Chose Petit Oiseau baby sleep sack
$79LA PETITE CHOSETikTak Design Co llama baby mobile nursery mobile
$89ETSY5 Months: On the Go
Leaving the house with a baby can feel alarmingly like a Mensa test—you remembered the pacifier but forgot the diaper cream!—help make sure they not only have everything but have the right things with this On the Go gift. Artipope’s beautifully printed carriers are as chic for mom or dad as for baby (I love the swan print) and perfectly paired with La Coqueta’s knit suits. Less glamorous but equally important: Anya Hindmarch’s changing kit means you don’t need a big ugly diaper bag, you can just stow this in a normal tote and Cerebelly’s new Peppa Pig pouches are perfect for baby who is starting to eat pureed food and may get hungry when out.
La Coqueta blue Vela cotton gift set
$135LA COQUETAArtipoppe Zeitgeist baby monogamy
$350ARTIPOPPEAnya Hindmarch baby emergency kit bag
$395FARFETCHCerebelly x Peppa Pig organic baby puree
$2CEREBELLY6 Months: Bebe Gourmet
By six months the baby is starting to enjoy pureed food but it can be a big adjustment for everyone. The Beaba Baby Cook (in so many lovely colors: raspberry! eucalyptus!) makes every parent a bebe gourmet chef and if they’re really inspired they can draw inspiration from Alain Ducasse’s beloved Cooking for Kids. For the not-cooking-inclined, try a subscription to Hello Yumi’s Chef Series—who says baby’s can’t have a refined palette? Then set them up with these adorable placemats from Land of Bebe and a tinware plate and cup from Salter House and they’re good to go at mealtime.
Beaba Babycook Neo in raspberry
$250BEABACooking for Kids: From Babies to Toddlers: Simple, Healthy, and Natural Food by Alain Ducasse
$25BARNES & NOBLESalter House Bell & Boo enamel bowl
$20SALTER HOUSESalter House Bell & Boo enamel mug
$18SALTER HOUSEYumi Chef Blends subscription box
$16YUMILand Of Bébé giraffe placemat
$35LAND OF BÉBÉ7 Months: Playtime Party
Around this time, the baby is sitting up on their own and even commando crawling—give them the best baby gifts, toys and books to keep them busy like Love Very’s customized toy kits for each stage of development and Literati’s age-specific book subscription. Pehr’s spring hatchling collection is perfect for a young chicken on the move.
Lovevery the Play Kits
$36LOVEVERYPehr kimono romper
$36PEHRPehr play mat
$84PEHRLiterati Club Neo
$10LITERATI8 Months: Out on the Town
Yes, babies spend most of their time casually ensconced at home but they’re called OUT-fits for a reason and every young one needs an appropriate look for a summer visit with their vaccinated grandparents. Set them up in style either in this Land of Bebe gingham romper and hat or Makie’s tutti frutti shirt and cardigan—add tortoiseshell Weefarers for extra panache.
WeeFarers children’s sunglasses
$25AMAZONMakié cashmere V-neck cardigan
$135MAKIÉEmile et Ida Camille mauve sun hat
$48LAND OF BÉBÉEmile et Ida Camille mauve romper
$92LAND OF BÉBÉMakié Morgan baby shirt
$86MAKIÉJanie and Jack chambray linen short
$39JANIE AND JACK9 Months: Super Skincare
And you thought there were a lot of adult skincare options to choose from! These baby brands will undoubtedly be stolen by the parents. From Paloroma’s perfectly packaged ABC gift set to Shyv’s super moisturizing body butter to the deluxe Santa Maria Novella’s bambino products to California Baby’s lavender calming lotion.
Paloroma the ABC Kit for Pampering Little Ones
$70MAISONETTEShyv Beauty Kids Body Butter
$14JANIE AND JACKSanta Maria Novella Delicate Baby Cleanser
$55SANTA MARIA NOVELLACalifornia Baby Calming Everyday Lotion
$15CALIFORNIA BABY10 Months: Winning Twinning
It’s never too early to start matching parent to child. There’s something for everyone in these “Mommy and Me” styles: from Kule’s matching stripes (my personal uniform) to Maisonette’s scalloped plaid or Banjanan’s big and little loungewear.
Kule the Onesie
$52KULEKule the Modern Long
$78KULEBanjanan exclusive women's robe
$129MAISONETTEBanjanan exclusive kids Moondust pajamas
$125MAISONETTEMaison Me Isobel women's collared top
Maison Me Niama collared dress
11 Months: Up, Up and Away
It’s almost walking age and definitely exploring age, so set this almost-toddler up with the newly launched Audwell learning tower so they can help out in the kitchen and start them out with this baking set and apron. A first pair of shoes helps too!
Audwell The Oslo Tower
$285AUDWELLMoulin Roty L’atelier De Patisserie baking set
$75THE TOTWilliams Sonoma Bay Stripe adult & kid aprons
$30WILLIAMS SONOMATen Little Everyday Original sneakers
$39TEN LITTLE12 Months: First Birthday Bonanza
Who would’ve thought it’s been a whole year? If you missed your birth present window, you’re just in time for their first birthday gift. Help the parents plan a festive party with these Meri Meri essentials, a suitable birthday suit, naturally from Bonpoint, and wrapped in this Dogwood Hill Alphabet paper so pretty they’ll want to save the wrapping!
Meri Meri stripe pompom party hats
$15MERI MERICranky Cakes Shop large number birthday candles
$4ETSYBonpoint baby striped cashmere set
Dogwood Hill Animal Alphabet wrapping paper
$11DOGWOOD HILLThis story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Chloe Malle