Whether you’re combatting inflammation or looking for a more lifted complexion, these are the tools that will help get the job done.

The 17 Best Skin Care Tools to Try in 2021
As ever-smarter and smaller technology transforms the way we live, innovation naturally translates to an ever-improving field of clever skin care tools to transform our complexions—no trip to the dermatologist’s office required. From a collagen-producing microneedling tool to a powerful bacteria-fighting light and many in between, here, 17 of the best skin-care tools that prove the future of beauty is only getting brighter.
Best Tools for Lifting
NuFace’s pronged micro-current massager—beloved by stars like Riverdale’s Madeline Petsch—stimulates facial muscles in five-to-20 minute sessions, leaving complexions firmer and more toned. Slather on a conducting gel pre-use so the rollers glide easily over skin.

NuFace Trinity Facial Toning Device

REFA Carat Face
Best Tools for Cleansing
Trying to keep breakouts at bay? Upgrade your cleansing routine with dermatologist-approved devices that take face-washing to the next level. Combining Swedish design with sonic cleansing technology, Foreo’s pulsating disc is covered in bacteria-repelling silicone nubs that help lift impurities from pores without aggressive scrubbing. Proactiv’s Facial Cleansing Brush offers a deep cleanse, and its exfoliating bristles—made with sensitivities in mind—make the skin appear smoother and softer to touch.

Proactiv Facial Cleansing Brush
Foreo LUNA Mini 3
Best Tools for Brightening and Anti-Aging
Struggling with fine lines and dull skin? Long hailed for their powerful results, LED lights treat a range of skincare issues in 10 minutes or less a day. Blue light decreases acne flare-ups, red stimulates the skin’s production of collagen and helps reduce hyperpigmentation, while yellow decreases inflammation and can even soothe sore muscles. Dr. Dennis Gross skincare delivers similarly potent benefits with a hands-free mask made for Netflix-ing marathons, while New York City dermatologist Ellen Marmur has created a line of targeted sheet masks that become that much more potent when worn in conjunction with her new state-of-the-art light machine.

The MMSphere 2.0
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare SpectraLite Faceware Pro
Dermashine Pro Wireless 7 Color LED Mask for Face
$100DERMASHINEBest Tools for Pore Retexturizing
Should your 2020 resolutions include a “no pore left behind” mantra, consider these two helpful tools: Dermaflash’s two-in-one sonic extractor first gently pulls out pesky blackheads, then helps push serum into the skin. The Glopro, a cultish microneedling tool promotes wound healing to stimulate cellular turnover and collagen production.

Beautybio Glopro Microneedling Facial Regeneration Tool
Dermaflash Dermapore Ultrasonic Pore Extractor and Serum Infuser
$99DERMAFLASHBest Tools for Sculpting
Mimic the hands of Hollywood’s most in-demand facialists with these sculpting and facial toning devices that contour cheekbones, lift jawlines, and massage heavy eyebrows. Jillian Dempsey’s vibrating tool relaxes tense muscles for a smoother appearance, while celebrity esthetician Joanna Czech’s aluminum crafted massager boosts circulation and Nurse Jamie’s lifting roller allows creams to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Joanna Czech Facial Massager
Nurse Jamie Uplift Massaging Beauty Roller
Jillian Dempsey Gold Sculpting Bar
$195JILLIAN DEMPSEYBest Tools for Puffiness
Puffy under eyes are no match for the gua sha, like Kora Organics’ rose quartz tool. Translated directly as “scraping,” the traditional Chinese tool can increases blood flow, drain the lymphatic system, and tone complexions when moved over the skin in quick motions.

Kora Organics Rose Quartz Heart Facial Gua Sha
Mount Lai Gua Sha Facial Lifting Tool in Amethyst
$34MOUNT LAIBest Tools for Inflammation
Fight redness, reduce inflammation, and take down puffiness with a ice therapy session. There’s It-Brit facialist Teresa Tarmey’s cult frozen ball, Stackedskin’s stainless steel solution, and Aceology’s globe massagers (a Tracee Ellis Ross favorite)—all designed to be kept in the freezer before use for the ultimate jolt of blood circulating-cold.

Pfefe Ice Globes Facial Skin Care Tools

BeautyBio Skin Icing Cryo Roller
Aceology Blue Ice Globe Facial Massager
$54ACEOLOGYThis story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Jenna Rennert