The singer takes her divine Molly Ringwald–inspired look to a downtown ’80s haven.

Exploring the Best of ’80s Vintage With Kilo Kish
Kilo Kish is in New York for only a few days. Before she heads back to her home in California, however, she’s picked the store Spark Pretty, which she found on Google, for our shopping trip. We’ve never met but my boss,’s editor Chioma Nnadi, says we will get along. And how could we not? Within a few minutes of meeting Kish, I am immediately taken by her. The L.A.-based musician is standing outside the colorful Lower East Side store wearing a vintage black lace Victorian top, Doc Martens with leopard print pony hair detailing, and an XXL leopard print hat. “I typed in ‘fluffy leopard hat’ and this was the first thing that came up,” Kish tells me. It’s fitting: She’s a Taurus who shares my exact birth date. We love extreme comfort but also unbelievable glam.
Kish’s music videos are spliced with pull-no-punches lyrics and electronic thunks reminiscent of hipster tunes from the mid-’00s. (She cites Karen O. and Courtney Love as clothing influences.) For the video for “Bite Me,” she wore metallic pink prom dresses a la Pretty in Pink; for “Bloody Future,” she sported a Canadian tuxedo. Kish is truly a chameleon. But recently, there’s the Dynasty vibe to her style: bold colors, big shoulders, and an itty-bitty nipped waist. She tells me she’s been gravitating toward sequins as well. Typically, she’ll take her vintage finds—she mostly buys secondhand—and get them tailored and altered. “I’ll change the dress completely, so I end up making it my own in a way,” she says.
This story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Liana Satenstein