His stylized shots of celebrities are setting a new standard for street style.

How Diggzy Became Fashion’s Favorite Paparazzi
The relationship between celebrities and the people who photograph their lives is symbiotic. Even in the age of online self-promotion and curated social media feeds, many stars wouldn’t be as prominent without the pictures that help shape their image every day. Still, the people who take those pictures are rarely viewed as artists in their own right. The paparazzi tend to be portrayed as a collective whole, and are seldom discussed as part of any wider cultural conversation that isn't to do with their poor track record when it comes to privacy and harrassment.
In the last few years, however, that has begun to change, with a new generation of ambitious image-makers asserting their presence and working with celebrities instead of against them. Leading the pack is 26-year-old Miles Diggs, aka Diggzy, the popular photographer whose viral Instagram account and stylized pictures have struck a chord with fashion editors and the internet’s fan armies alike. If you’ve looked at a snapshot of Hailey Bieber taking a stroll in Bottega Veneta, Bella Hadid enjoying her newest vintage find, or Rihanna just existing, it’s likely Diggs had something to do with it.
This story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Janelle Okwodu