The YouTuber turned company founder opens up about her mom must-haves and keeping her style.

I’m a Cool Mom! Chriselle Lim of BümoWork on What She’s Learned from Motherhood
I’m a Cool Mom! is a new column for Vogue where we explore how moms get dressed, what’s in their diaper bag (or if they are anti-diaper bag!), and how their style has developed while having kids.
Chriselle Lim has been a mainstay in the fashion world as a stylist, YouTuber, and influencer. Her candid personality comes across effortlessly whether she’s speaking about her skin routine, opening up about her body after pregnancy, or talking about her career path—all while applying primer and mascara. And then there are her double-tap-worthy OOTDs and perfectly manicured nails.
The Korean-American mother to seven-year-old Collette and two-year-old Chloe pivoted her career after having her second child. She started BümoWork, a communal workspace that offers professional childcare when she realized working parents needed more support. (Bümo means “parent” in Korean.) She also launched BümoBrain, a virtual learning platform for children from 1 - 6.
Building her business has been a bit of a fulfilling and mental sanctuary. “I feel much more balanced as a working mother now that I’ve been working from BümoWork because I’m able to carve out time to spend with my daughter and not miss out on so much of her life, we get to have more of our own special moments together,” she says. “BümoWork has been able to bring that sense of balance into my life.” She doesn’t skimp on style either. Her laptop and daughter’s diapers are tucked inside of a Dior tote when Lim heads off to work.
This story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Liana Satenstein