"Otherwise, there's no point."

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Say They Only Bathe Their Kids If They ‘See Dirt on Them’
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher recently sat down with Dax Shepard on his Armchair Expert podcast to talk all things parenting—including how often they bathe their kids.
“When I had [newborn] children, I also didn’t wash them every day,” Kunis said, according to BuzzFeed. “I wasn’t the parent that bathed my newborns—ever.” (She and Kutcher have two children together.)
Kutcher added, “Now, here’s the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there’s no point.”
Shepard agreed that using soap to get rid of the body’s natural oils every day was a bad idea, suggesting a just-water cleaning routine instead. Kunis added, “I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn’t shower much anyway.”
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Kelly M. Cordoro, M.D., a professor of dermatology and pediatrics, recently spoke to The New York Times about this subject. “Overbathing an infant may dry out the skin, making it itchy and rashy,” she said, per BuzzFeed. “It can be very irritating and unnecessary, as it can wash away the top layer of protective skin cells, natural oils, and normal healthy bacteria, leaving the skin dry, itchy and vulnerable to irritation and possibly skin infections.”
Mila Kunis opened up to The Telegraph in 2020 about her home and family life. “We do family outfits,” she said, according to People. “It makes everyone go crazy. Last year I dressed [daughter Wyatt Isabelle] as a pig. I went as a pig. And my husband went as a pig.”
She also called Kutcher “brilliant” and “an incredibly hands-on” parent, saying, “When my child was born, I was breastfeeding and he said, ‘That’s your connection, I want to change every diaper.'”
And on her work-family life balance, she said (per People), “I don’t live to work, I work to live. I never took my career too seriously before. After becoming a mom, I definitely don’t.”
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Condé Nast