But this time, she wore a mask instead of a brooch.

Nancy Pelosi Re-wears Her Impeachment Suit
Does the impeachment of President Donald Trump give you a sense of déjà vu? Haven’t we done this already? And did anything really come from it the first time? It seems that Nancy Pelosi is feeling the same way. Yesterday, as President Trump received the distinction of becoming the only U.S. president to be impeached twice, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi re-wore the suit she chose for the first time the House of Representatives had impeachment proceedings. Always one to use a sartorial statement to double down on her political ones, Pelosi sent the message loud and clear: “Can you believe we’re doing this, again?”
The circumstances of the impeachments, of course, were different. The first time, in December 2019, Pelosi wore this suit to open the debate over the Trump-Ukraine scandal. Trump was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. This time, the House voted 232–197 to charge Trump with “inciting violence against the government of the United States,” following the insurrection at the Capitol, which Trump cheered on Twitter.
For both occasions, Pelosi wore a black skirt suit, with three-quarter-length sleeves and a band collar, as well as a gold necklace. There was only one difference. In 2019, Pelosi wore a brooch of the Mace of the Republic, which is symbolic of the House of Representatives’ authority. In 2021, she swapped out the brooch for a mask to follow COVID-19 guidelines.
Nancy Pelosi in 2019.
Chip SomodevillaThis story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Sarah Spellings