“I can relate,” one person tweeted.

President Joe Biden Says His Grandkids ‘Make Me Look Like I’m in the Seventh Century’
President Joe Biden held a town hall on February 16 in Milwaukee and covered several important topics, including the pandemic, minimum wage, and the debate about canceling student debt. He also reminded everyone he's a grandfather—and a relatable one at that.
Per Jennifer Epstein, White House reporter for Bloomberg News, at one point in the town hall, “President Biden [said] the way his grandkids can use online stuff ‘makes me look like I'm in the seventh century.’”
“I can relate,” one person tweeted in response. Another posted this hilarious reaction photo:
No one is finding this funnier than Biden's granddaughter Naomi, who's been using her “online stuff” skills to resurface old, iconic POTUS tweets:
Grandkids and their grandparents, am I right?
AdvertisementBut let's get back to what President Joe Biden actually talked about at the town hall. When asked about a timeline for the country's return to normalcy postpandemic, Biden said, “I think a year from now…. I think there will be significantly fewer people having to be socially distant, having to wear masks, but we don't know. I don't want to overpromise anything here.”
When asked whether he plans to cancel student loan debts at a $50,000 minimum, POTUS said, “I will not make that happen. It depends on whether or not you go to a private university or public university. It depends on the idea that I say to a community, ‘I’m going to forgive the billions of dollars of debt for people who have gone to Harvard and Yale and Penn….’ I went to a great school. I went to a state school. But is that going to be forgiven rather than use that money to provide for early education for young children who come from disadvantaged circumstances?”
He continued, “Everyone should be able to go to community college for free. That costs $9 billion, and we should pay for it…. And I think any family making under $125,000 whose kids go to a state university they get into, that should be free as well…. I'm prepared to write off the $10,000 debt, but not 50.” You can watch his full response to that question, where he gets into some more nuances, here.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Christopher Rosa