“As a family, we are in a period of great sadness.”

Queen Elizabeth II Releases First Emotional Statement Since Prince Philip's Funeral
Queen Elizabeth II has released her first statement since Prince Philip's April 17th funeral.
“I have, on the occasion of my 95th birthday today, received many messages of good wishes, which I very much appreciate,” she said in the release, dated April 21st.
The queen continued, “While as a family we are in a period of great sadness, it has been a comfort to us all to see and to hear the tributes paid to my husband, from those within the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and around the world.”
She ended her statement with, “My family and I would like to thank you all for the support and kindness shown to us in recent days. We have been deeply touched, and continue to be reminded that Philip had such an extraordinary impact on countless people throughout his life.”
Queen Elizabeth II's recent statement is just one of many emotional tributes to Prince Philip from members of the royal family. Prince Harry, Philip's grandson, said in his own statement, “My grandfather was a man of service, honour, and great humour. He was authentically himself, with a seriously sharp wit, and could hold the attention of any room due to his charm—and also because you never knew what he might say next. He was my grandpa: master of the barbecue, legend of banter, and cheeky right ’til the end.”
And Prince William wrote on the Kensington Royal Instagram, “I feel lucky to have not just had his example to guide me, but his enduring presence well into my own adult life – both through good times and the hardest days. I will always be grateful that my wife had so many years to get to know my grandfather and for the kindness he showed her. I will never take for granted the special memories my children will always have of their great-grandpa coming to collect them in his carriage and seeing for themselves his infectious sense of adventure as well as his mischievous sense of humour!”
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Christopher Rosa