Vogue pays homage to the filmmaker’s chicest female leads.

The Irresistible Style of Wes Anderson’s Screen Muses
“I do feel a bit like my characters from one movie could walk into another one of my movies and it would make sense,” Wes Anderson told Interview Magazine back in 2009. Imagine, then, Gwyneth Paltrow’s rendering of Margot Tenenbaum—an Hermès Birkin perennially lodged in the crook of her elbow—lounging alongside “Jack’s Girlfriend,” Natalie Portman, in matching marigold dressing gowns at Hotel Chevalier (Anderson’s 2007 prologue to The Darjeeling Limited). Or a cape-clad Tilda Swinton playing Social Services in Moonrise Kingdom (2012) as the perfect foil for Anjelica Huston’s opulently bohemian Eleanor Zissou in The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004).
This story originally appeared on: Vogue - Author:Julia Hobbs