McFarlane Flash Toys Give Us Close Look At New Batman Armor And Dark Flash

New Flash action figures from McFarlane Toys gives fans the most detailed look at the upcoming costumes for the upcoming movie

First, let's take a close look at the new Batfleck armor. In the trailer, there's a blueish hue to the cowl and bits of armor, but you can see that's toned down for the figure. In fact, there's no real blue at all, and is more of a gun-metal gray instead. The cowl has a different finish than the rest of the armor and isn't as reflective; it harkens back to his Dawn of Justice design.
The armor itself is more intricate and tactical, and similar to Christian Bale's The Dark Knight armor with plates. It has a militaristic silhouette and what little we've seen in the trailer, it definitely looks that way, especially in motion. Almost like a paratrooper. On the back are more plates, that look to fold with the spine. Again, very much a Dark Knight feel. The Bat symbol itself is etched in, kind of hidden with the rest of the plates' design. There's no real color variation outside of the utility belt, and even the box art has removed any trace of blue that might be featured in the movie. Changing final looks from trailer to trailer isn't anything new. Even Black Adam changed things months apart from the trailer to the final product.

Dark Flash is a name given to a few characters in DC, but is mainly synonymous with Walter West, an older, scarred, alternate version of Wally West. With the Dark Flash figure, it's a whole new beast. We've never seen a costume like this for the character in the comics and it resembles something much more sinister and frightening this time around. The flash lightning bolt symbol is faintly seen on the chest as it's buried within the hardened mold of the design. Fans will likely make comparisons to Venom here, not just based on aesthetics but also on being the Flash's antithesis, and that's okay for Flash's first solo outing.
The character card that came with Dark Flash doesn't give any clues about his real identity. It just states that something, or someone, is using the Speed Force for "nefarious purposes."
Despite this thing being solid, it still has a lot of poseability and is pretty sturdy however you pose it. The spikes and tendrils protruding from his body are also quite firm and could a legit threat when he's reaching ludicrous speeds.
The Flash arrives in theaters on June 16.
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DC UniverseThis story originally appeared on: GameSpot - Author:Lan Pitts