Here Are The Spider-Man 2 Suits Exclusive To The Digital Deluxe Edition

Peter Parker and Miles Morales each get five new costumes by spending an extra $10 for the PS5 game

But that's not all. GameSpot has compiled all of Spider-Man 2's suits and how to get them. Technically, there are over 100 costumes for Peter and Miles to sport in the PS5 exclusive, which launches tomorrow, October 20.
With release so close, it's your last chance to preorder Spider-Man 2. In fact, the game is actually already out in Australia, and GameSpot has listed when Spider-Man 2 unlocks in the US.
Later this year, Spider-Man 2 should get New Game Plus, as the feature won't be available at launch. Instead, it should come to the game--along with mission replay--in a future update.
For more, check out GameSpot's Spider-Man 2 review. Calling the game great, the review states it has "a riveting narrative throughline you'll want to see all the way through and has the gameplay hooks to keep you engaged the whole ride."
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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PlayStation 5This story originally appeared on: GameSpot - Author:UK GAG