Some fine print on the Virtual Game Card explainer site may shed light on how Nintendo will handle enhanced Switch 1 games

Nintendo May Have Given Away A Clue About How Some Switch 2 Games Will Work

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Now Playing: Nintendo Switch - Virtual Game Card Update Overview Trailer

The capitalization of "Edition" in that phrase is what's interesting--while Nintendo has mentioned that the Switch 2 will be backward-compatible with select Switch 1 games, the company hasn't elaborated further on how that will work. This new phrase, and the way it's presented on this official Nintendo website, implies that it is an official term to distinguish between Switch 2-only games and Switch 2 versions of other games. Switch 2 Edition games could refer to enhanced versions of Switch games, though whether such a thing will exist or if there will be any upgrade cost remains unknown.

There have been multiple rumors of games that have previously launched on the current Nintendo Switch receiving some sort of enhancement on the upcoming successor. The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been mentioned among the likely candidates, while the recent Xenoblade Chronicles X remaster was found to be hiding a secret 60 frames-per-second mode within its code.

Virtual Game Cards were one of many announcements during the most recent Nintendo Direct, which also included the debut announcements of new games in Nintendo's Rhythm Heaven and Tomodachi Life franchises. The Direct also provided updates on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, Dragon Quest 1 & 2 HD-2D Remake, and Pokemon Legends Z-A.

Nintendo has not directly mentioned "Nintendo Switch 2 Edition" games as of this writing, but that may change during the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct livestream slated for April 2 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.

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This story originally appeared on: GameSpot - Author:UK GAG