Minecraft - How To Tame And Breed Animals

The animals that make up Minecraft have the ability to be tamed and bred, but each animal has their own requirements
How to tame a Cat in Minecraft
Cats are one of the finickiest animals in Minecraft. Unlike other animals, they are easily spooked by your presence and will run away if they see you coming too aggressively. As such, this can make taming a cat a tricky endeavor. However, as long as you follow the steps below, you'll have a tamed cat in no time:
- First, you need to find a cat, which most commonly spawn in villages. Once you find a cat, approach them extremely carefully. Any sudden movements and the cat will run away. You also want to ensure you're crouching.
- While you're approaching the cat slowly, have a raw cod or raw salmon in your hand. This makes the cat less likely to run away.
- After you're close enough to the cat, feed the raw cod or salmon to it. This will successfully tame the cat, making them follow you around.
- You can feed the cat another raw cod or raw salmon to make them enter love mode. If the cat is near another tamed cat, they will breed.

The hardest part about taming a cat is getting close enough to them to feed them the raw fish. However, as long as you're careful and have the fish out, the cat should be tamed fairly easily.
How to tame a Fox in Minecraft
Taming and breeding foxes go hand-in-hand, as you need to breed a baby fox to tame one. You can see how the process works below:
- Find two untamed adult foxes and feed them both sweet berries or glow berries. Foxes are usually found in the Taiga biome.
- Feeding a fox berries makes them enter love mode, and if they have another fox nearby, the two will mate, and their offspring will be a tamed baby fox.
- Your new baby fox will not leave your side as they grow, but sometimes they do follow other adult foxes.
- You can make a lead to ensure the baby fox doesn't leave your side before they fully develop.

Once your baby fox is all grown up, you'll have yourself a tamed fox that you can use to defend you or breed more foxes.
How to tame Horses in Minecraft
We have previously covered how to breed and tame horses, but we'll quickly recap the steps to do so below:
- A wild horse can be tamed by continually trying to mount it. After a few attempts and getting bucked off, you'll remain on the horse and hearts will appear. This is the sign the horse has been tamed.
- To breed horses, you need to find two tamed horses and feed them a Golden Apple or Golden Carrot. Once both horses have been fed, they will enter love mode and breed a baby horse.
- Getting a saddle is the best way to utilize a tamed horse, as you can ride them more effectively.

How to breed Axolotls in Minecraft
Axolotls are a strange animal in Minecraft. They're found in underwater caves and can't be tamed in the traditional sense. However, they can be effectively bred by using a form of taming.
- Find two adult Axolotls and lead them together. This is done by holding a bucket of tropical fish.
- Once the two Axolotls are together, feed them tropical fish and they will enter love mode.
- After some time, a baby Axolotl spawns. Once this happens, you can't breed another baby for five-seven minutes depending on your edition.
- Axolotls fully develop in 20 minutes, but this process can be sped up by using more buckets of tropical fish on the baby.

Axolotls can be attached to leads to keep them from wandering off too far. They're most useful when trying to kill non-hostile and hostile mobs, but they can't be out of water for too long.
How to breed Villagers in Minecraft
Villagers aren't an animal, obviously, but they can be bred with the right steps. Breeding Villagers allows you to fill up a village with more possible traders, farmers, or other applicable roles.
- To breed a Villager, find two adult Villagers and make sure there are three beds around them.
- Push the two adult Villagers into the building with three beds and make sure they're alone.
- Once these requirements are met, feed any food to the two Villagers and they will breed a baby Villager.
- You can continue this process for as long as you want, but you'll need a new bed every time you want to breed another Villager.

Villagers are arguably the easiest mob to breed, as long as you have the materials for enough beds and food.
How to breed Frogs in Minecraft
Breeding frogs is an extremely straightforward process. As you might expect, you can find a majority of the frogs in Minecraft in the swamp biomes. To see how to breed them once you get there, look at the steps below:
- Approach any frog while holding a slimeball. A frog will follow a player holding a slimeball when they are six blocks or closer.
- Find two frogs, get them to follow you while holding a slimeball, and then feed each frog a slimeball.
- This causes the frogs to enter love mode and eventually, one of the frogs will become pregnant.
- The pregnant frog then looks for a water source with air above it. If the frog finds a suitable spot, they will lay a spawn that soon hatches into tadpoles.
- The tadpoles then develop into baby frogs after some time.

Breeding frogs can take longer than other animals, as the pregnant frog has to find the right spot to lay the spawn, but it shouldn't take too long if you're in a swamp.
How to breed Turtles in Minecraft
Turtles are notoriously difficult to breed in Minecraft. The process is similar to the breeding of frogs, but turtles can take much longer to lay their eggs.
- To breed turtles, find a beach during the day. You can usually find turtles swimming near the coast.
- When you find two turtles, feed each of them some seagrass. This causes them to enter love mode.
- One of the turtles in love mode will spawn eggs in its inventory and slightly grow in size.
- After the eggs appear in the turtle's inventory, they will go back to where they first spawned.
- The turtle tries to find a patch of sand to lay its eggs. You'll know the turtle has found their spot when they start rotating 360 degrees.
- After a while, the turtle will lay anywhere from one to four eggs.
- Turtle eggs take four to five in-game days to hatch in Minecraft.

The turtle breeding process will take some time, but after it's all said and done, you'll be left with one to four baby turtles.
How to tame a Parrot in Minecraft
Parrots are rare animals to find in Minecraft, but luckily, they can be tamed rather easily. This means once you find one parrot, you won't be able to get rid of them after the taming process is complete.
- Parrots most commonly spawn in jungle biomes. Once you find one, you can tame them by feeding them any of the following seeds:
- Wheat seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, beetroot seeds, torchflower seeds.
- This doesn't guarantee you tame the parrot, however. You have a 1/10 chance to tame the parrot every time you feed them a seed.
- You'll know when you tame them after the hearts appear on the parrot after feeding them a seed.

Once a parrot has been tamed, they will follow you around and can even perch on your shoulder. If you happen to tame two parrots, they can both be made to sit on either shoulder in addition to following you around and sitting.
How to breed Pandas in Minecraft
Pandas are exclusive to jungle biomes in Minecraft, but they're quite rare to find. They come in various shapes, sizes, and appearances, but are mostly neutral towards players. To see how to breed a panda, read the steps below:
- Find two untamed adult pandas and feed them both a piece of bamboo.
- In addition to feeding the pandas bamboo, there needs to be a bamboo block within five blocks of the pandas.
- This means you have to place a bamboo block near the pandas or wait until they migrate towards one. If you feed the pandas bamboo without a bamboo block nearby, nothing will happen.
- If the bamboo conditions are met, the pandas will enter love mode and breed a panda cub.

Pandas are the only animal in Minecraft to have an extra layer to the breeding process. This can make breeding a panda cub a little tedious, but it's worth it in the end.
How to breed Bees in Minecraft
Bees are an extremely useful animal to have nearby in Minecraft, as they can create honey which is used for a variety of recipes. Fortunately, breeding them is simple and shouldn't take long at all.
- Find two bees and get them to follow you by holding a flower in your hand. You can get the bees to rest on the ground by stopping with the flower while the bees are following you.
- Once you have two bees close enough, feed them each a flower. This causes them to enter love mode and make baby bees.
- You have to wait five minutes to breed the bees again.
- Baby bees take 20 minutes to fully develop into adult bees.

Having a hive of bees is absolutely worth it in Minecraft, as you'll never have to worry about gathering honey ever again.
How to breed Sheep in Minecraft
Sheep are one of the most common animals to find in Minecraft. They can spawn all over the map in different biomes and are quite useful since they produce wool. Wool is mainly used in the creation of beds, which you'll need if you want to breed plenty of Villagers. To see how to breed sheep for more wool, read the steps below:
- Find two untamed adult sheep and get them close to each other.
- Feed both of them wheat and they will enter love mode.
- After a brief moment, the sheep will breed a baby. Sheep can't breed for five minutes after a baby spawns.
- In Java Edition, you can breed a baby sheep with a different color wool from the parents. This color is determined by whether or not the parents have compatible colors. If the parents don't have compatible colors, the baby sheep will randomly have one of the parent's wool colors.
- Bedrock Edition always spawns a baby sheep with a random color from one of the parents.

If you happen to find sheep with compatible wool colors, you can make a rainbow of colors from their offspring. However, the most important part of breeding sheep is using them for their wool and mutton drops.
How to breed Pigs in Minecraft
Pigs are up next, and they're another common animal to find in Minecraft. They also have an extremely simple breeding process, which you can see below:
- You need to find two untamed adult pigs and get them to follow you by holding a carrot, potato, or beetroot in your hand.
- Once the pigs are close to you and each other, feed each of them one of the food items just mentioned.
- This will cause the pigs to enter love and breed a baby piglet.
- Pigs have a five-minute cooldown before they can breed again.
- Baby piglets will fully develop after 20 minutes of in-game time.

And that does it for our taming and breeding guide in Minecraft. We'll continue to add more animals in the future.
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