The Switch 2 having only "modest technical improvements" and backwards compatibility could negatively impact sales, one analyst believes

Switch 2 Won't Sell As Well As Original Due In Part To Backward Compatibility - Analyst

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Regarding backwards compatibility, Nintendo has confirmed the Switch 2 will play games from the original Switch, but not every title will be supported.

Van Dreunen did not publish a specific unit sales projection for the Switch 2. For comparison, the original Switch sold 13.12 million units during its first calendar year. A different analyst, meanwhile, is projecting the Switch 2 to have the biggest console launch in history and sell 20 million units in its first year.

Meanwhile, George Jijiashvili of Omdia told IGN that the Switch 2 could sell 14.7 million units through its first calendar year, exceeding the first-year sales of the original Switch. The Switch 2 won't be able to sell as many lifetime units, however, Jijiashvili said. The Switch has sold more than 150 million units, making it the No. 2 best-selling console ever, only behind the PS2.

Nintendo will further discuss the Switch 2 during a Nintendo Direct broadcast on April 2. The company is expected to divulge more information about the system, its games, and more. One of the games expected to come to Switch 2 is a new Mario Kart game.

Every Mario Kart 9 Racer Confirmed (So Far) For The Switch 2 Game

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Nintendo Switch 2

This story originally appeared on: GameSpot - Author:UK GAG