If you are looking for new structures on Minecraft Bedrock Edition, there are many tips and tricks that you can use to look for new structures

Tips & Tricks Minecraft Bedrock Edition: How to Locate Structures
Minecraft is a fun game to play. You can, not only play games within the existing worlds, but you can also create worlds of your own within the game. In addition to that, you can go looking for structures within the game. While this can be easy for players who have some experience playing Minecraft, for players who are new to the game, looking for new structures can be quite a challenging task.
If you are looking for new structures on Minecraft Bedrock Edition, there are many tips and tricks that you can use to look for new structures other than looking for them organically. One of the many ways players can do so is by using the command console.
Minecraft Bedrock Edition players can look for nearby structures using the “/locate command”. What is interesting about this command console is that it is available on Minecraft: Java Edition, as well as Bedrock Edition, Pocket Edition, and Education Edition. The only difference is its syntax, which will change depending on what platform it is being played on.
For Minecraft: Bedrock Edition players can use this command syntax for locating nearby structures: /locate <Feature>.
It is worth noting that, in order to activate this command in the chat console, players will first have to enable cheats. In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, this option is available in the World Edit Menu.
An important thing that Minecraft players need to keep in mind is that the command requires the players to be in the correct dimension when searching for structures. For all such instances, here is a version of the command that Minecraft players can use:
-- /locate bastionremnant - Bastion remnants, the Nether
-- /locate buriedtreasure - Buried treasure, the Overworld
-- /locate endcity - The End city, the End
-- /locate fortress - Fortresses, the Nether
-- /locate mansion - Woodland mansions, the Overworld
-- /locate mineshaft - Mineshafts, the Overworld
-- /locate monument - Ocean monuments, the Overworld
-- /locate ruins - Ocean ruins, the Overworld
-- /locate pillageroutpost - Pillager outposts, the Overworld
-- /locate ruinedportal - Ruined Nether portals, the Overworld and the Nether
-- /locate shipwreck - Shipwrecks, the Overworld
-- /locate stronghold - Strongholds, the Overworld
-- /locate temple - Desert pyramids, igloos, jungle pyramids, and swamp huts in the Overworld
-- /locate village - Villages, the Overworld.
Source: Tech Hindustantimes