WoW: Dragonflight Diablo 4 Event Has Players Hunting Down Treasure Goblins

Who doesn't want to fight off the demons of the Burning Legion with Wirt's Leg?
Up for grabs are a few items players of Blizzard's ARPG franchise will no doubt be familiar with. Wirt's Leg, an item critical to unlocking the secret cow level in Diablo II (and which Blizzard insists isn't in Diablo IV), can now be wielded as a weapon in WoW. Players can also nab a Tome of Town portal toy, and a demonic goat pet named Baa'lial.
There's a few other rewards too, including nice-looking Treasure Nabbin' Bag back cosmetic, a hood and cloak ensemble, and most importantly, the Tyrael's Charger mount, which sports the long, white beams of light that makes the angels of Diablo so iconic. The mount was originally offered in 2011 as part of a WoW annual pass promotion (which included a copy of Diablo III), before later being added to the MMO's in-game shop for individual purchase. It's just the latest previously exclusive mount that Blizzard has released, having recently offered a number of old WoW Trading Card Game mounts via Twitch drops.
According to Wowhead, the conclusion of the event will kick off a 50% experience buff so players can make up for lost time post-Diablo IV's launch.
Diablo IV's early access release is right around the corner, arriving on June 2 for those who preorder the Deluxe or Ultimate editions of the game, or on June 6 for everyone else. Blizzard recently detailed all of Diablo IV's accessibility options, and the crossover events for Diablo IV will continue in Blizzard's mobile spin-off, Diablo Immortal.
In WoW news, the game's next update will take players back in time to witness the fall of the biggest dragon in Warcraft history, Galakrond, as part of a new mega-dungeon. It will additionally introduce a new type of DPS specialization for Evokers that has never been seen before, one that is more focused on providing DPS buffs to teammates than dealing damage on their own.
22 World of Warcraft Easter Eggs and Secrets

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World of Warcraft Diablo IV PCThis story originally appeared on: GameSpot - Author:Cameron Koch