FYI: Weekend Warriors Can See Just as Many Weight Loss Benefits as People Who Exercise Regularly

Getting enough exercise weekly matters more for weight loss than how frequently you work out, a new study suggests
- New research found that weekend warriors can see similar weight management benefits as those who exercise more frequently.
- Data showed getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week was associated with lower BMI, body fat metrics, and waist circumference, regardless of when that activity took place.
- Experts say the best exercise routine is one that works with your schedule and involves activities that you enjoy.
Many people find it challenging to fit daily exercise into their already packed schedules. But when it comes to weight loss, it may not make a difference whether you exercise daily or just on the weekends, a new study suggests.
The new research, published in February in the journal Obesity, found that “weekend warriors” who exercise one or two days a week can lose similar amounts of weight as those who exercise more regularly.
Study authors looked at survey data and found that those who got at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly were more likely to have lower waist circumferences, body mass indexes (BMIs), and fat mass measurements than those who were inactive.
This held true regardless of how active people split up their exercise throughout the week.
Current guidelines state American adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, in addition to two days of muscle-strengthening exercise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that people break this activity up over the course of five days to make it easier to complete.
However, the fact that people can see equivalent weight loss benefits with a weekend warrior exercise pattern is promising, especially for people with busy schedules or sedentary jobs, said study author Lihua Zhang, a health care scientist affiliated with Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and Peking Union Medical College in Beijing.
“Those people are struggling to catch up in their exercise plan in daily life to offset the hazard of a sedentary lifestyle but have less free time to get to the gym,” Zhang said in a press release. “Our study could offer them an alternative choice to keep fit.”
Here’s what experts had to say about how being a weekend warrior affects your health, and the best ways to incorporate physical activity into your weekly routine.

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Meeting Weekly Exercise Goals Linked to Healthier Weight
This study is the first of its kind to examine the link between physical activity frequency and objectively measured fat tissue mass.
Researchers used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2011 and 2018. There were more than 9,600 participants included, all between the ages of 20 and 59.
These participants self-reported the frequency and duration of their physical activity and leisure time via the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. The study authors also had access to data from dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or body composition scans. Results showed 772 participants reported a weekend warrior pattern and about 3,270 reported a regularly active pattern.
Both the weekend warrior and regular exercise groups tended to have less abdominal fat and whole-body fat mass, plus a lower waist circumference and BMI, as compared to the 5,580 inactive participants.
Weekend warriors and regular exercisers were also more likely to be younger, more educated, non-Hispanic white, and were less likely to be unemployed or have hypertension or diabetes.
Just 22 Minutes of Daily Exercise Can Offset the Health Risks of Too Much SittingExercising When You Can Is Good for Your Health Overall
Not only is being a weekend warrior helpful in weight management, but this latest study is aligned with previous research suggesting regular or weekend exercise is good for your health in general, Tracie Massey, certified personal trainer and manager of Fredericksburg Fitness Studio, told Health.
Research published in 2022 found that both weekend warriors and regular exercisers had a lower mortality risk than people who were inactive. An August 2023 study found the same was true for heart health benefits.
It’s not totally clear why this is the case—the study authors noted that more research is needed to tease out how weekend warrior and regular exercise patterns affect the body.
However, finding any exercise schedule that works for you is a great way to meet activity goals and stick with them, said Tim Church, MD, MPH, PhD, chief medical officer at Wondr Health.
“Incorporating physical activity into your weekly schedule when it’s most convenient for you is the best way to make it a habit,” he told Health.
Church said that the weekend warrior concept is positive for people who may not be currently meeting the weekly recommendations. It’s a reminder that exercise isn’t “all or nothing,” Massey added.
“The once-a-week visit can actually make a difference in overall health—physically and mentally,” she said. “It also assists in creating a habit so before you know it, one visit becomes two, two becomes three, and so on.”
Finding the Right Exercise Routine and Nutrition for You
Whether it’s longer weekend gym sessions or shorter, more frequent workouts, there are some things people can do to make sure they’re meeting the recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.
First, find an activity—any activity—that you actually enjoy doing, experts said.
“If you don’t like exercise, you aren’t going to stick to it,” said Church. “Find something you like and make it your exercise.”
It may also be easier to stick with a workout routine if it’s consistently on your calendar. “Prioritize yourself, schedule your physical activity time just as you would a doctor’s appointment or lunch with a friend,” Massey recommended.
And if you’re just getting started with adding more movement into your weekly routine, keep it simple. Activities such as walking or weightlifting may be good options at first, Church said.
“If there’s an exercise you can’t do yet, make a plan with steps on how you’ll accomplish it,” he said. “It shouldn’t be over-complicated.”
And even though results of the study indicate that meeting weekly exercise recommendations can be linked to a healthy weight, exercise is only one piece of the weight loss puzzle, experts said. In fact, nutrition plays a large role in determining a person’s abdominal fat, waist circumference, and BMI, said Massey.
“Exercise can help with keeping weight off and maintaining a healthy weight, but it isn’t as effective for weight loss,” Church added. “A balanced and healthy diet is what will lead to weight loss if that’s the goal.”
If someone is struggling to maintain a nutritious diet or regular physical activity, they may want to seek out help from a fitness professional or registered dietician nutritionist, Massey recommended.
“Exercise is more about improving your quality of life and your health,” said Church. “Which is why figuring out what works for you is best.”
How Long It Takes To See Results From Working OutThis story originally appeared on: Health News - Author:Michelle Pugle