“My workouts improved, and so did my skin, my hair, my nails. It was incredible.”

Jennifer Aniston Swears This One Simple Thing Changed Her Hair for the Better
The word influencer gets tossed around a lot these days, but few people in this world actually have the impact or reach of Jennifer Aniston.
She's been inspiring haircut trends since the ’90s. Her minimalist style always tops best-dressed lists and mood boards. (When's the last time you've seen someone besides Jen wear a low-key black dress on the red carpet and thought, I need that?) We buy water, moisturizer, and countless other things in the hopes that we'll achieve even an ounce of her glow. Years ago, a neurosurgeon even discovered something called the Jennifer Aniston Neuron. It means we are all—quite literally, it's been proved by science—obsessed with her.
Who could possibly be better for an installment of Your Fave's Faves, the Glamour column in which Hollywood's most popular break down everything they're loving at the moment? The actor (and newly appointed chief creative officer of collagen brand Vital Proteins) took the time to talk us through her wellness routine, the podcast at the top of her queue, and the last thing she bought. Read on!
My favorite way to spend a day off…which we only had a year and a half to do! I'm getting bored with those days. [Laughs]. But my favorite way to spend a day off is to just veg out and watch the boob tube. On Sundays I love when my friends come over and we cook and the kids play and we hang out and gab and have fun.
My wellness routineI approach wellness holistically. I believe it's not just about nutritional wellness—it's emotional, spiritual, mind, body, soul, that whole connection. I start in the morning with Vital Proteins in my coffee. I can't start a day without it. The stick packs are game changers. If you ever go on vacation and don't want to bring a huge tub, these pack into your purse luggage really easily. That changed my life.
My doctor told me to start taking collagen in my coffee years ago. I didn't understand how putting this powder into my coffee or smoothie would change things—but honestly, I could not believe in a few months how my much my joints changed. I'm very physical, so there's wear and tear and everything starts to hurt. My workouts improved, and so did my skin, my hair, my nails. It was incredible.

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
$25Vital Proteins
Vital Proteins Stick Pack Sampler
$14.69TargetI also meditate right after coffee—or sometimes it's meditate, then coffee—but whatever order, I then journal stream of consciousness for about 10 minutes. This is also after I've walked and fed my dogs. And then my day begins with a workout usually. I don't have a favorite workout. I love them all equally. I do change them up, because you can fatigue if you just do one thing for so long. I also try as much as possible to not pick up the phone for at least an hour until after what I've just described is over.
What I’m watching right nowI just watched Bo Burnham's Inside. That was really fascinating. What a smart guy. Someone said, “You really have to stay focused to get the experience. Don't distract yourself. Don't watch it while you're cooking dinner, or while people are around.” And I understood completely, because I feel like I got to fully experience what he created for us. It was beautiful. It was incredible. And he's so young too–I'm really impressed that he's a 30-year-old with that much wisdom and insight.
The podcast I loveI don't get to read books often. I have so many on my desk, but I have to get through scripts. There is no time for me to sit. Also, I have a hard time reading because I'm dyslexic. It takes me forever. So I'm usually an audiobook kind of girl, because what takes someone the normal three days to read something, it takes me probably two weeks. And then I get frustrated.
I love podcasts. My favorite one is Smartless. It's three of my favorite people on the planet: Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes. We've all been dear friends for many, many, many, many, many, many, many decades. But the three of them together is one of the funniest experiences you'll ever have. Each one each week picks the guest and surprises the other two. They don't know who the guest is, so they don't have any questions prepared and it's all off the top of their heads, in the moment. I just laugh for a solid hour. It's just fantastic.
When we were shooting The Morning Show, it was so hard; not only was it during the pandemic, but also, it's a heavy show. Being able to pop those guys on and just laugh on my way to work and on my way home was a real day maker.
The last thing I boughtA sun hat! A sun hat that doesn't have a top on it. It's like a visor, but it's a whole sun hat. Because you like your hair to still get sun-kissed, right?
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Condé Nast