A new suspect!

Emilia Clarke Just Changed Her Tune About the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup Culprit
Emilia Clarke is changing her tune about the infamous Game of Thrones coffee cup.
In case you forgot, fans were bemused to discover a modern-day coffee cup present during a pivotal scene in the final season of the fantasy drama. While it technically was a banquet scene, we're pretty sure Starbucks wasn't on the menu in Winterfell.
While Sophie Turner, who played Sansa Stark, was seen with a similar cup in her hands in a BTS photo, she and Clarke were quick to point their fingers at their male costars. But now, two years later, the actor behind Daenerys Targaryan suggests it wasn't one of the cast members at all.
"It's not Starbucks - spoiler," Calrke joked in the latest installment of theSkimm's "Texting With" digital series when asked about her favorite morning beverage, per People. "I'm going to say it again for the record: was not mine. Looking at you, Dan Weiss." D. B. Weiss, of course, was the co-creator and showrunner of Game of Thrones.
This is a pretty big pivot from her last accusation against Conleth Hill, a.k.a. Lord Varys. “Here’s the truth: We had a party before the Emmys recently, and Conleth [Hill], who plays Varys—who’s sitting next to me in that scene—he pulls me aside and he’s like, ‘Emilia, I have got to tell you something, love. The coffee cup was mine,’” Emilia Clarke said on The Tonight Show in October 2019. “It was his! It was Conleth’s coffee cup! He said so. He said, ‘I think it was. I am sorry, darling. I didn’t want to say anything because it seemed the heat was very much on you.’”
Meanwhile, Turner did some criminal profiling of her own and landed on Jon Snow himself, Kit Harington. "I hear this every day of my life. This coffee-cup thing," Turner told Conan O'Brien in an interview on Conan Thursday night, June 6. "It's good to know the coffee cup got more press than the final season altogether. The coffee cup was where Kit's chair was. At first I blamed it on Emilia, but I don't think Emilia would do that. Kit is lazy, and I think he would've done that. It was in front of Kit's chair and then, obviously, he moved so this picture was taken and it looked like it was in my seat. But I wasn't there, either. It was Kit. It was 100 percent Kit."
Truly one of the greatest mysteries of our time.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Emily Tannenbaum