Mark your cal for January 17.

Get Ready, Because This Weekend's Astrology Will Rock Your Whole Year
Get ready, because January 17 brings a major astrological event that has the potential to shake up your life—and even the entire world. We're talking about something called a Jupiter-Uranus square—a tense connection between Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of rebellion.
Together, these two planets make for a bag of mixed energies our way. On one hand, we may be overly anxious, temperamental, and prone to dramatic outbursts. However, we can also use this energy to bring sweeping positive changes and optimism into our lives. If we use this square for good, we can transform our lives as well as the world. Which will you choose?
This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:
Friends may come and go, but the best members of your crew will always stand by your side. Show these MVPs that you absolutely adore them, whether you're sending them flowers or leaving an Instagram comment hyping them up.
All the walls you’ve built around you are coming down. You're finally opening yourself up to love, intimacy, relationships, and friendships. Don’t be too stubborn to let new people and opportunities into your life. This is your romantic “lean in” moment! Take it before it passes you by.
You've been feeling anxious recently, and you need a break from all the stresses in your life. Temporarily disconnect from social media or even turn your phone off for a few days to calm your energy. You need some R&R, Gemmy.
Real talk: Your current sexy, confident, carefree vibe has been a long time coming. But now, instead of focusing on what others need, you're giving yourself the TLC you crave. You are your own person. Embrace your power!
An amazing professional opportunity will present itself to you. However, it may interfere with the time you have with your crush/S.O. Make sure you can balance both aspects of your life.
You're exploring different ways to look at the world, and you're putting what you've learned into action in your daily life. This higher-minded vibe that can help you to be the best version of yourself 24/7.
You tend to get boo’d up fast and skip the important steps in getting to know your S.O. Now is a great time to connect on a deeper level. Use this energy to truly learn more about your partner/crush, with open eyes and an open heart.
There's been just a smidge of drama in your personal life lately. But the emotional tides are beginning to fall, and life is getting a lot easier. Accept the ups and downs of your partnerships to move forward.
You can’t deny the good feels you're feeling. TBH, you haven’t felt this great in years. For the first time in a long time, you have the energy and optimism to take on every single mundane aspect of life with ease and happiness. Enjoy it!
A wonderful project is headed your way, helping you expand your horizons and your wallet. Don’t pass up this opportunity! It’s a once-in a-lifetime moment to do the work you love, at the right price point. Money may guide your decision-making, but the artistry keeps you invested.
You're experiencing a new beginning. The foundation that you’ve always believed in is changing for the better. Lean into all the wonderful changes, and don’t get caught up in what the minor details. Look at the world from a different perspective.
Your dreams are blossoming quickly. But to make them a real possibility, you have to talk about what you want. Open yourself to what the future can bring. You can achieve anything you, if put your energy into it.
Happy New Year! You could use some astro merch:

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Lisa Stardust