It's baaaaack.

Here's How the First Mercury Retrograde of the Year Will F*ck Up Your Life
Here we are, barely into 2021, and we’re already getting thrown a little curveball from the universe. That’s right, Mercury Retrograde, the most infamous (and dreaded) astrological transit, is here! Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Aquarius from January 30 until February 20, so buckle up, because the next few weeks are going to be a bumpy ride! The fixed signs Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio are feeling this retrograde the most (boo!) while Geminis and Libras are an easier time (yay!).
Mercury governs travel, communication, and commerce, so when it goes retrograde (which means it appears to move backwards through the sky from our POV here on Earth), all of these areas of life start acting wonky. Scheduling mishaps, tech glitches, car trouble, and hella miscommunications are Mercury Retrograde’s trademark problems. But this time around, drama and disagreements with your crew are likely to be a much bigger issue. That’s because Mercury is in Aquarius, which is the sign of social circles.
This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Retrogrades are all about revisiting the past, reviewing old projects/jobs/relationships, and reorganizing your life. Old friends and ex-lovers are pretty much guaranteed to come back around, that one personal project you dropped might become relevant again, or an ex-boss (or an old job opportunity you couldn’t take in the past) might pop up in your inbox. This is your big chance to find closure so you can start something new—or so you can reignite your passion for someone/something that used to be a big part of your life. Is addressing the past stressful? Sure. But is it necessary if you want to move forward in life? Abso-freakin-lutely!
It’s also worth mentioning that for the past year-ish, Mercury has only gone retrograde in water signs, and this Mercury Retrograde kicks off a new cycle in which Mercury will only go retrograde in air signs (that's right, Aquarius is actually an air sign!). When the planet of communication was retrograde in water signs, it caused a ton of emotional drama, but in intellectual air signs, you’re facing problems with communication, focus, and staying organized. This Mercury Retrograde is defs a change of pace compared to past retrogrades, so it might feel a little more intense.
There’s also a ton of cosmic action going down in Aquarius, so whichever part of your birth chart Aquarius rules is going to be a major, major, MAJOR focus! To survive this retrograde, keep three things in mind: First, make sure you’re communicating very clearly. Second, don’t buy any new technology or make any big investments. Third, don’t start any new relationships, because once the retrograde ends they’re likely to end, fast.
I know this sounds like, uh, A LOT, but remember, retrogrades aren’t stressful just for the sake of being stressful! They’re a time to hit pause, take a long look at your past, and make that everything's in order so you can start new, better projects, jobs, and relationships after Mercury stations direct.
Read your Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius horoscopes for your Sun/Rising sign:
You’re learning who your real friends are now, Aries. Your squad is full of shit-talkers, gossipers, and frenemies, and this retrograde is bringing all their shadiness to light! Try to avoid fighting, and keep it real with yourself. If a friendship has hit its expiration date, let it go. You’ll find much better friends post-retrograde.
Your relationships on the job—especially with your boss—are feeling tense right now, and you’re feeling the pressure to perform better than ever. My advice: Don’t start any new jobs or projects. Instead, put the finishing touches on your current projects and show your boss that you can get shit done. By the end of the retrograde, you could find the opportunity for a raise, bonus, or even a promotion!
Mercury Retrograde is encouraging you to reconsider your beliefs. Not your opinions, like your favorite restaurant, but your political, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs. Make sure you take time to listen to others. Learn about different people, places, and ideas. With reflection, you’ll realize that some of your beliefs no longer “fit” the person you are now. Also—expect tons of scheduling issues, sry!
Your chart’s eighth house, which governs debt and intimacy, is being lit up by this retrograde. Make sure you’re paying bills on time, otherwise some major financial drama can pop up. This retrograde is also pushing you to evaluate whether your closest relationships are working. Do you and your S.O. support and uplift each other equally? How about you and your bestie? You’re finding imbalances in these deep bonds—use this retrograde to fix them.
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This is a BIG retrograde for you, Leo! Your “b” relationships—your bestie, your boo, your business partners, or people you have beef with—are the most relevant parts of your life right now. Just wait until this retrograde ends before making any major moves in your love life! The astro-weather over the next three weeks is pushing you to re-evaluate your situation with former friends and exes. That might mean blocking them, having a “let’s be friends” convo, or maybe even re-starting a new relationship!
Despite your rep as the most organized sign, your life anything but organized rn. Take the next few weeks to clean up, find a more effective schedule, and try to start healthy habits. Eat right, stay fit, and take care of your mental health, too. The constructive changes you make now will stick around for a looooong time!
Lucky you, Libra! You’re having a relatively easy time this retrograde, as it’s activating the luckiest, nicest part of your chart, the fifth house. You might experience a lil drama with your ex, or get spammed by “wyd?🍆💦” texts from old hookups. On the bright side, this is a really great time for getting creative. Even if you’ve never been artsy at all, painting, writing, singing, and dancing can help you relieve stress and just have fun. So go ahead and sing in the shower or master the latest TikTok dances.
Try to avoid moving or signing any contracts involving property during this retrograde—it could lead to a lot of misunderstandings in the near future. However, have you considered renovating your place? This is a stellar time for redecorating, rearranging, and reconnecting with the people you live with. Watch out for appliances breaking down at home, though—Mercury Retrograde is awful about screwing things like that up.
You’re very open with your opinions (some might even call you blunt), but this retrograde is strongly encouraging you to think before you speak! Word vomit is the name of this Mercury Retrograde game, but as long as you reread all the texts/DMs you send (and receive!), you’ll be totally fine!
Keep an eye on your bank account, Capricorn! Mercury Retrograde in your chart’s financial zone can mean that that one impulse buy on Amazon might screw up your budget for the rest of the month! You’re not gonna go broke, but try your best to spend wisely, save when you can, and stay on top of your financial sitch!
Well, well, well. Mercury is Retrograde in your sign, Aquarius, so you’re feeling it the most! My advice? Try to shed your fixed sign stubbornness. Realize that your word is not law and you don’t always have to be right. Some people might (gasp!) actually know more about something than you do. Be less of a teacher and more of a listener, and you’ll be okay!
The theme of exes coming back around is ringing especially true for you, Pisces. And not just ex-partners—friends, projects, and jobs from the past are all popping back into your life. Basically, the message that the stars are trying to get across is that you have a ton on your plate, and it's time to eat what looks best and throw out the leftovers!
Will this Mercury Retrograde merch help you feel better?

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Jake Register