Hi Hello, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Everything you need to know for the upcoming week.

Overview: Can we have both preservation and change? Two parallel forces of nature help us balance stability and disruption. Aquarius season begins on Tuesday, helping us break the rules and innovate. Then, on Wednesday, Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus shines light on consistency and security. Sunday’s Sun-Saturn conjunction helps us synthesize it all!

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Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Power to the people, Aries! Aquarius season begins on Tuesday (the day before the Presidential Inauguration!), helping you understand your role to usher in social change. The Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday grounds you in the values and methods you need to make it happen. Sunday’s Sun-Saturn conjunction wants you to choose reliability and integrity!


Boss up, Taurus! Aquarius season’s start on Tuesday gives you more motivation, ambition, and leadership skills. Wednesday’s Mars-Uranus conjunction in your sign helps you get clear on who you want to be and what you want to do. Take action! The Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday gives you a career breakthrough.


Change of mind, Gemini? Aquarius season's start on Tuesday brings innovation, and a healing Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday wants to free you from a low-level habit. Don’t learn the hard way! A Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday want you to make these changes permanent.


What is the truth, Cancer? Aquarius season's start on Tuesday takes you deeper towards understanding your most authentic self. A Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday surrounds you with the people who remind you of your desires! A sexy and powerful Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday wants you to own your truth for amazing results.


What about love, Leo? Aquarius season's start on Tuesday begins your most romantic chapter, while a productive Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday helps you get closer towards a career goal in a big way. A Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday inspires a reframe on how you imagine commitment, trust, and romantic relationships.


Get centered, Virgo. Aquarius season begins on Tuesday, helping you get grounded through routine, organization, and other wellness strategies. An expansive Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday changes your perspective, so stay curious, not certain. A Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday wants you to set yourself up for success proactively!


Open your heart, Libra! Beginning on Tuesday, Aquarius season helps you self-disclose a thought, emotion, and/or hope in big ways! The Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday is an intimate and powerful one, so follow your desires for maximum results. A Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday wants you to commit to self-care!


Wanna go home, Scorpio? The start to Aquarius season on Tuesday wants to reunite you with the people, places, and contexts that remind you of family. On Wednesday, Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus promotes autonomy and boundaries in relationships. The Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday is a tender, vulnerable one, so be gentle with yourself!


Speak up, Sag! Aquarius season's start on Tuesday helps you use your words, focus your attention, and listen carefully. On Wednesday, a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus aligns you with a healthier habit—so try new things, even if it’s awkward. A Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday gives you a chance for a convo that connects you even more closely with your friends.


Happy belated, Capricorn! Aquarius season begins on Tuesday and helps you improve your relationship with “value,” from financial literacy to budgeting to time management. A Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday gives you a confidence boost to do big things! Stay grounded under Sunday’s powerful Sun-Saturn conjunction.


Happy Birthday, Aquarius! On Tuesday, your season begins—the Universe wants to make your personal, relational, and professional dreams come true! An emotional Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday inspires you to share your feels, and a Sun-Saturn conjunction on Sunday invites you to step into power in a big way!


Take a sabbatical, Pisces! Aquarius season starts on Tuesday and inspires you to rest, recharge, and release from low-level things. A Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on Wednesday could help you reach greater connection through a conflict. Maintain your boundaries and stay compassionate! Then, give yourself closure under Sunday's Sun-Saturn conjunction.

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This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Colin Bedell