At one point on the tour, Kate called out to William, “Come on, grandad!”

Prince William and Kate Middleton Are Back in the College Town Where They Fell in Love
Once upon a time, the future king of England, Prince William, was just a college boy; Kate Middleton just a college girl. It happened in a land called Scotland, in a castle called St. Andrews University. That's where those two crazy kids fell in love, and where they returned to on May 26.
As part of their royal tour, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are visiting the county of Fife, where they met as freshmen in 2001. While there, they went “land yachting,” which seems to involve maneuvering a wheeled vehicle that's being pushed by the wind. The pair raced for twenty minutes, reports People, and when Will got stuck in some wet sand, his wife called out to him, “Come on, grandad!”
While at school, a former dorm-mate of the royal couple recalls, their connection was instant and obvious. "Whenever Kate was in the room, Will was obviously paying attention to her," Laura Warshauer has said, adding, "When we'd be sitting at lunch in the dining hall and the two of them would be talking, it was amazing to see how natural it was, how they had so much to say to each other. Looking back, there were all these small moments—certainly moments where I was like, 'Wow, this could really be something.'"
“When I first met Kate, I knew there was something very special about her. I knew there was possibly something that I wanted to explore there,” William recalled in their engagement interview. “We ended up being friends for a while, and that just sort of was a good foundation. Because I do generally believe now that being friends with one another is a massive advantage. And it just went from there.”
William and Kate share three children and recently celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary with a sweet video of the family playing outdoors.
During another part of the tour of Scotland, Middleton played around with DJ equipment, which her husband found hilariously unbearable. Prince William also reflected on how much the country means to him, in part because it was where he learned that his mother Princess Diana had died.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Elizabeth Logan