“You think if I f--- him, he will become a fine actor?"

Sharon Stone Says a Producer Once Asked Her to Sleep With Her Costar
In an excerpt from her upcoming memoir that was published in Vanity Fair, Sharon Stone revealed a movie producer once stepped way, way over the line in a misguided attempt to improve the chemistry between her and another actor. The unnamed male producer “explained to me why I should fuck my costar so that we could have onscreen chemistry,” Stone wrote about the exploitative, inappropriate encounter.
"You guys insisted on this actor when he couldn't get one whole scene out in the test ... Now you think if I fuck him, he will become a fine actor? Nobody's that good in bed," Stone continued, per Insider. "I felt they could have just hired a costar with talent, someone who could deliver a scene and remember his lines. I also felt they could fuck him themselves and leave me out of it. It was my job to act and I said so." Stone says this producer also bragged about sleeping with Ava Gardner, an actor from Hollywood's Golden Age.
Sadly, this unnamed producer was not the only Hollywood exec who made this bizarre suggestion to Stone. "I've had other producers on other films just come to my trailer and ask, 'So, are you going to fuck him, or aren't you? … You know it would go better if you did,'" she shared, adding that because she always refused to entertain the idea, some in the industry branded her “difficult.”
In another anecdote, she says one director asked her to “sit in his lap” and describes him as a “#MeToo candidate,” implying that he hasn't yet been publicly outed for his misconduct and behavior. To read Sharon Stone's full excerpt, click here.
Her memoir, The Beauty of Living Twice, comes out on March 30. You can pre-order it on Amazon right now.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Elizabeth Logan