Hope you like Aqua vibes bc, uh, we're getting a lot of 'em.

Sooo Many Planets Are in Aquarius Right Now, and Yes, This Affects Every. Single. Sign.
Does something feel a little...off-balance this week? Look to ~the stars~. Right now, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are all in Aquarius, forming what's called a stellium (a cluster of three or more planets in the same zodiac sign). All of this Aquarius energy will influence everyone's lives from February 1 until February 18—and it will peak with the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11.
Even though so many planets are in Aquarius rn, Saturn is the star of the show. That's because Saturn is what astrologers call in its dignity in Aquarius (meaning that because Saturn is considered the ruling planet of Aquarius, its influence is particularly strong in this sign). BTW: All of these planets in Aquarius form a square—a 90-degree angle that brings tense energy—with Uranus in Taurus. (BTW, Uranus is also Aquarius' ruling planet).
In English? Basically, we can expect a lot of excitement and drama until the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18. This is a time of reflection and emotional detachment for us all. And on a global scale, the Aquarius stellium confirms what we already know about the COVID-19 pandemic: Social distancing (a very Aquarian concept) is more important than ever.
Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:
The universe will provide you with v important info about your professional and money-related goals. Evaluate all your options carefully before you settle on one. Impulsive moves could bring about misfortune, so be calculating as you make your decision.
You're finding it easy to collaborate with others, and they see you as reliable and helpful. Be open to receiving help when you need it, too. It's time to work collectively, rather than alone.
You’re quite the busy Gemini—in fact, you're kinda exhausted. It's impossible to keep up with all the projects, tasks, and chores you've taken on. Try to say “no” once in a while.
If you're looking for extra cash, you can earn a bit more than usual over the next few weeks. Just be careful not to spend it all at once—you'll need your hard-earned $$ for something significant soon.
You love all things astrology. So do we. Let's ~follow the stars~ together.
Commitment is around the corner—you just have have to trust your crush/boo 100% before you can progress to a deeper relationship. Open up your heart to love.
Simply put: You’re exhausted right now. But soon, you will receive a jolt of inspiration that will motivate you get back to work on something you're passionate about. As long as you commit to a schedule, you can get the job done.
You're about to create something long-lasting, but first, you need a new approach. Let inspiration guide you. Follow this airy energy to get in touch with your artistic desires.
You’re feeling sentimental about the past. Go ahead and flip through old scrapbooks, photos, or Facebook Memories...alone, bc you're just not in the mood to tell anyone else what you're feeling. It’s okay to keep your feelings private, Scorpio.
Your enthusiastic energy will light up any room, even a Zoom room. Feel the good vibes with others who are on the same wavelength. You can turn a budding friendship into the real thing.
Someone who notices your full wallet might ask for a loan. Some advice: Decline the request gently, as they're unlikely to pay you back in a timely manner. Skip the drama and step away from the situation.
The spotlight is shining on you, Aquarius! The downside: There's a lot of pressure on you to make the best decisions possible. With everyone watching, you feel like you can’t make any mistakes. Stop worrying and just live your life!
You’re opting to stay out of the spotlight and focus on healing. Reassess your priorities, check in on your self-care strategies, and rest your tender heart. You need some time to soothe your soul.

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Lisa Stardust