Plus, what she's been doing as self-care during the pandemic.

The Beauty Secrets Brooke Shields Swears By
Brooke Shields is the ultimate pro. At the time of our interview—to talk about teaming up with Colgate—she was a couple weeks removed from breaking her femur, the longest bone in the human body. By all accounts, she would have been entitled to cancel, but that's not Shields.
“Oddly enough, doing interviews has helped me stay focused and know that I can do this,” she tells Glamour. “I just have to rehab and take it one day at a time. But it's nice to have another focus, even for just a bit.”
That “focus” is on dental prevention and gum health, which Shields says never really gets talked about as we age. “It's a really important part of your overall dental health, but all we grow up learning is to brush your teeth and floss. There's more than that.”
Since our gums age as we do, it's crucial to reverse gum damage, which is often caused from a build-up of bacteria. It's why Brooke Shields wanted to be a face to Colgate's newest line of Renewal toothpastes, all designed to target early gum issues and protect against further deterioration. “It's not a chore; it's actually a privilege that we have access to all of this,” she says.
Colgate Renewal Toothpaste—Enamel Fortify
$7WalmartColgate Renewal Toothpaste—Sensitivity Repair
$7WalmartColgate Renewal Toothpaste—Whitening Restoration
$7WalmartSo with the theme of self-care in mind, we asked the actor and mom-of-two how she's keeping her head held high, and why rituals mean more to her than ever. Time for another round of Glamour's Big Beauty Questions.
What's one beauty trend you're obsessed with right now?
Lip stains that you dab on your cheeks, eyes, or lips. It just sort of freshens you up and there's a youthfulness to it. I've never been one for a whole heck of a lot of foundation. I like skin to show. If I don't have to wear makeup, I just don't. But when my kids were younger, they’d say, Can’t you look like you did in those pictures you did in a magazine or something? I’m like, that’s not my daily life! Thank God they have grown out of that because now they're just objectionable teenagers and they don't even want people to know that I'm their mother.
What is one beauty rule you think is B.S.?
This obsession that you should look like somebody else. I think that’s a disservice to all the beautiful, unique people out there.
AdvertisementFill in the blank. I love my hair…
When I’m at the beach and I’ve just washed it in the ocean with saltwater.
What city or country gives you the greatest beauty inspiration?
I am such a diehard New Yorker. But fashion-wise, I dream that I'm some Parisian girl who wakes up and puts on the most amazing jeans and blazer and it comes naturally to me. But really, the true nature of beauty to me is strength, and New York represents the cutting edge of celebrating unique beauty.
What beauty advice did your mom give you growing up?
Just keep your skin clean and keep it moisturized. I’d be like, ‘But I like products!’ But moisturizing is the one thing that is so important.
You've always had such great hair, so what are some of your favorite products?
I've gone through a huge trauma with COVID because of life and nerves and age and everything, that I noticed my hair started thinning. So right now I'm just trying to keep my scalp as healthy as possible. I think all of our bodies have reacted differently [to the trauma] of this year.
What are you doing to take care of yourself after so much upheaval this year?
I've never been really good at relaxing, and it took COVID to really distill everything for me. So I like being up earlier in the morning when it's quiet. I like reading. I'm getting to a point now where knitting doesn't stress me out because if I make a mistake, I'm getting better at being able to fix it. And my girls and I do puzzles. We’ve been playing dominoes or a quick game of backgammon. I find that it resets us. We’re finding joy in rituals and self-care, because God knows nobody else is going to do it for you, so you better do it yourself.
Jessica Radloff is the Glamour West Coast editor. You can follow her on Instagram at @jessicaradloff14.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Jessica Radloff