These reactions are spot-on.

The Best Tweets About Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Oprah Interview
After Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's interview with Oprah Winfrey on March 7, people flooded social media with takes, opinions, and jokes. While not all of them were helpful, some were very clever, and a few were actually thought-provoking.
More than simply being a story of royals, or of family, the Meghan Markle saga is an example of race, class, nationalism, and fame at play all at once. And whether you care about royalty or not, those are topics worthy of discussion—a discussion that will likely happen on Twitter. As we continue poring over the details of the interview, here are some of the most interesting and relevant tweets we saw.
Viewers, including actor Rosanna Arquette, applauded Prince Harry for prioritizing the mental health and wellness of both Markle and himself.
Many were simply amused that Markle, low-level famous for many years pre–Prince Harry, would be the catalyst to cause so much unrest in an institution as old as the British monarchy.
And while some were dismissive of the interview, pointing out that we “already knew” about society's racism, writer Roxane Gay reminded everyone shock and disgust are actually appropriate reactions to the personal, painful stories Markle shared.
Some more reactions to Markle and Prince Harry's interview:
“It's interesting to watch self-styled American populists get protective of the monarchy once a Black woman starts complaining about racism,” one person tweeted.
“Hearing through the grapevine that the institution that led the British empire is problematic,” posted another.
Perhaps most surprising was the phenomenon of Brits tuning in to American network television for the interview, which was broadcast on CBS. In Britain, which has a nationalized health care system, there are no advertisements for medication. So they found the barrage of pill commercials jarring, to say the least:
For a complete breakdown of the Markle–Prince Harry interview with Winfrey, click here.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Elizabeth Logan