Happy New...Moon!

The First New Moon of 2021 Brings Major Changes in Your Life
Right at midnight (Eastern Time) on January 13, we'll experience a New Moon in Capricorn. It's the first New Moon of 2021, so this is an amazing time to set intentions for the year ahead. However, this New Moon aligns with Pluto, a planet known for its powerful and transformative energy—which means we we'll have to get over our jealousies, power struggles, and deepest fears before we can move towards growth. So skip the drama. Release, rebuild, and rejuvenate under this New Moon.
This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:
You just aren't feeling like your usual fabulous self right now. There are a lot of changes happening at work, and they're making you feel uncertain of the direction your career will take this year. Don’t stress. Let things flow forward. You’ll find your forward.
While you aren’t able to pack your bags and travel, you can take a little staycation at home. Instead of luxuriating on a beach, chill in your living room with a daiquiri in one hand and a romance novel in the other. (Or just schedule a Bridgerton binge-watch.)
This is your time to take charge, Gemini! Most of the time, you're wishy-washy and go with the flow. But not now. For the first time in a long time, you’re asserting your views instead of letting people walk all over you. Be fierce! You got this!
Before you act out in relationships, try to understand why your feelings are so intense. Truth is, you're giving too much energy to people who aren’t reciprocating. Don’t get mad, just just stop giving them 100%.
You don’t necessarily want to confront colleagues you’ve had issues with, so it’s time for you to let go of your sour feelings. Move forward with your coworkers and let bygones be bygones.
It’s unlike you to feel the need the approval of others, but here you are. Instead of reacting out when you want attention, get busy with another activity (like trimming your bangs?). In situations like this, it’s best to not give your power away.
Things that made you feel safe and secure in the past just aren't working anymore. That's because your foundation is shifting, and you're seeing the cracks. Now that you understand what needs to be changed, you have to do the work.
You've grown, Scorpio. When you hear news that would have you feel jealous before, you’ll actually be happy to see others doing well. You’ve done a whole 180 over the past year, and now it shows.
Your spendy ways are catching up with you, Sag. But you can flip the situation to your advantage by choosing to not overspend. Instead of Seamlessing all your meals, buy groceries. Chill on the VOD releases and just watch a Netflix movie. Little hacks like these will help you save.
This is your time to shine, Cap—but you're feeling scared of stepping up and speaking your mind. Don’t live in fear! The moment you squash your doubts, you'll move forward on your path to world domination. Lean into your power!
You're embracing a new philosophy, Aquarius. Instead of stressing out over everything, you're figuring out new ways to control your frustrations. Choose what you want/need to actually deal with. The other stuff will fall away.
Don’t sit around and let life pass you by, especially when it comes to your career. It’s time you take action. Update your LinkedIn, apply for some jobs, and reach out to people who work in your industry. You just. might find a promising opportunity.
Happy New Year! Have some astro merch:

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Lisa Stardust