Change is coming.

Uranus, the Planet of Shock and Surprises, Is Moving Direct—So Expect, Well, Anything!
On January 14, Uranus moves direct in the sign of Taurus, ending a five-month retrograde period that began in August 2020. In astrology, Uranus is the modern ruler of the most “out-there” sign, Aquarius (Saturn, the ancient ruler, is in Aquarius right now). As Uranus continues its movement through the sign of Taurus, it can bring sudden shifts and events that challenge our collective self-worth, values, and finances. This means: Change is coming, honey.
Right now, Uranus is being activated by a connection with the planet of action, Mars, which is currently in its detriment in the sign of Taurus ("in its detriment" = this planet and sign don't mesh well together). Uranus will also be receiving some challenging energy from a powerful stellium (three or more planets within a sign) in Aquarius. This stellium consists of the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, AND Saturn. In English: Major shifts and changes are coming for us all. But don't be afraid! Change can be good.
This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Prepare by reading what’s in store for your sign:
Change is on the horizon for you in terms of money and material gain. The Universe is pushing for you to not only recognize your worth, but to lean in and ask for it.
You're experiencing transformation in terms of who you are, your outward appearance, and how you want to present yourself to the world. Align with your true self.
Your subconscious mind is busy today, and this planetary event is pushing for you to champion the values that have been shifting for you beneath the surface. Speak up—the world needs you.
New and captivating contacts can come into your social sphere, pushing you to elevate your long-term dreams. The Universe is asking you to embrace this new perspective.
Your career and life path is evolving in a major way. Uranus is shaking this area of your life up, asking you to move in a direction that is aligned with what you are truly worth.
Limiting beliefs and old values are giving way to a new perspective, especially when it comes to your health habits and work. This area of your life is going through an important metamorphosis. Can you say work/life balance?
You're focusing on sharing finances within a marriage or long-term partnership, or managing debts. You're learning new ways to manage others' money or share a nest egg with someone.
Your relationship is going through some reshuffling—or if you're single, your view of what you're looking for in a partner is changing. Keep in mind the importance of shared values.
How are you feeling, Sag? Self-care is vital right now; take your time as you go through your day-to-day life. You've been working through sudden health changes or hiccups in your work schedule. Take it one moment at a time.
A noteworthy creative project may shift, change, or come together suddenly. The cosmos is asking you to think outside of the box. Originality can lead to success!
Home is where the heart is, and you're realizing that in order to feel emotional stability, sometimes "home" must change. You may abruptly look for a new living arrangement that is a better fit with who you are becoming.
A jarring situation can push you to finally communicate what’s been on your heart. You are realizing your values are important, leading you to talk about them in all facets of your life. Speaking out may not feel comfortable, but ultimately, it can bring fulfillment.
Happy New Year! Have some astro merch:

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Adama Sesay