Shut. Them. Down.

Victoria From 'The Bachelor' Epically Responds to Matt's Friends Seemingly Body-Shaming Her
Victoria Larson on The Bachelor, a.k.a Queen Victoria, is hitting back at Matt James's friends for seemingly shading her appearance.
Here's what happened: a Bachelor Nation Instagram account posted this video of James's friends apparently knocking Larson as they play a round of golf. What they say is unclear, but you hear Larson's name several times. “Matt’s friend/caddy tries to get in his head by throwing shade at Victoria, while everyone laughs 😕," the post's caption reads. "Not a fan of Victoria’s behavior this season but no women deserves to have their looks disrespected like this.”
Damn straight. And Larson realizes this more than anyone. First, she posted (then deleted) a fire pic of herself in a bikini with the caption, “Tell me again how my body doesn't look good?”
She then reposted (and kept up) the same pics with the caption, “Y’all r too much” and dropped a meme, below, to solidify her point:
Shut. Them. Down. Spoken like a true, well, queen.
Victoria Larson spilled the Bachelor tea you've been wanting during an appearance on Good Morning America January 26. She addressed all the people who think she's been bullying contestants this season by saying, "[The women] knew me and knew my heart and knew that I really never have ill intent. So I think they viewed it differently, just because they know me."
She continued, "If my words or actions hurt anyone, like, I sincerely apologize and I'll do better and hold myself accountable. I'm not a bully. I'm really not." Some fans, however, aren't quite ready to let her off the hook:
That being said, the hate is definitely going too far. “I anticipated being well-received, so to get the bullying messages and the hate mail and the death threats, I wasn't really prepared for that at all,” Larson told GMA. “A hundred percent it was shocking.” Watch her full interview here.
This story originally appeared on: Glamour - Author:Christopher Rosa