You Can Get Paid $30 an Hour to Eat Candy and Judge How Good It Is
If your ideal workday is sitting around, eating candy, and judging (whose isn't???), well, I have great news for you! This is an actual job that exists, you can get paid serious cash to do it, and more than one person will get the honor! It's all thanks to Candy Funhouse.
The company is hiring part-time and full-time "Candyologists," AKA Candy and Chocolate Taste Testers to help the company try out and narrow down which candies will be a part of the first-ever Candy Funhouse branded candy line. The line will feature 10 candies, but they'll first need to be narrowed down from hundreds of options. That's where you come in!
If you want the job, you should have "enthusiasm and eagerness to try confectionery products," and "consider aspects of taste, texture, and quality." You'll then have to write a brief, two-sentence description for each product tested. Basically, you have to really love candy and be willing to be a little judgy about it. DONE. Oh, and applicants who have an interest in candy, pop culture, and media will be given preference. Even better!!
This content is imported from {embed-name}. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Best of all this job PAYS. Like, pays WELL. The full-time position will net you $30 an hour, according to the Indeed listing, though you'll have to go to work in person, in Mississauga, ON, Canada. However, the part-time position requires 15 hours a week that can be done from home and you'll still earn $26 an hour. Two people will have the opportunity to be full-time employees, while they're choosing eight people to take the role part-time, according to a press release.
You have until February 15, 2021, to apply and you can find the full-time job listing here and the part-time job listing here. Applicants have to have a high school diploma and be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada to apply. You can see more application instructions on each job posting. GOOD LUCK!
From: Delish US
This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Kristin Salaky