It's a whole new you.

Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Welcome to February, Aries babe! This is the shortest month of the year—but when it comes to the cosmos, size doesn’t matter! The next couple of weeks are going to be extra extra, so get ready for a wild ride. First, on February 11, the New Moon in Aquarius kicks off a new 28-day lunar cycle. For you, this lunation will help you connect with your extended community, inspiring you to think bigger. What does it mean to support the greater good? Whether you’re organizing a crowdfunding campaign, getting involved in activism, or supporting your neighborhood by shopping locally, let this New Moon amplify your humanitarian instincts.
Next, on February 17, Saturn and Uranus unite in a mighty 90º angle (referred to by astrologers as a “square”) for the first time in a casual 21 years. I’m not going to lie: Squares can be challenging. In fact, they're known to fuel serious friction. But squares also spark transformation. Don't be surprised if you’re suddenly motivated to reexamine your finances mid-month. You're ready to shake things up...monetarily speaking. Don't be afraid to smash your guitar—you’re a fire sign, after all! Theatrics are everything!
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Aquarius season concludes on February 18 as the Sun glides into Pisces, kicking off Pisces season and dialing your psychic skills up to eleven. At first, you may feel an overwhelming sense of ickiness: What are all these ~feelings~? With your b-day season inching closer, you have tons of goals you want to accomplish, and you're finding it increasingly difficult to steer through such dense fog. But don’t fret: This is totally normal! Even turbo-charged Rams need time to rest and recuperate. For you, Pisces season signals the end of the 365-day zodiac cycle, so your focus should be on slowing down, recalibrating, and wrapping up any projects (or behaviors) that are no longer serving your soul. I know you’re not always keen on dialing it back, but trust that you’ll be picking up the pace in no time. You got this!
What’s more, Mercury Retrograde concludes just two days later, on February 20. After an unpleasant three-week backspin, the planet of communication is finally back in business. With your day-to-day experience getting a much-needed revamp, you’ll find yourself expressing even the most complex thoughts and ideas with clarity, focus, and enthusiasm. Yeehaw!
Finally, February concludes with an elegant Full Moon in Virgo on February 27. Activating the areas of your chart associated with psychic wellness and physical wellness, this lunation encourages you to calibrate your daily routines. Despite all the chaos, you’re still making true progress in both the real world and the spiritual realm. What does that mean? Well, Aries, since I know #winning is your number one priority, let’s put it this way: By the end of the month, you’ll definitely be in first place. And we truly love to see that!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly