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Your Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Your birthday season may be over, but a brand new month is just getting started! And I’m sorry to say, Capricorn, but February is going to be full of cosmic milestones. So take a big, deep breath and let’s dive in!
First up, a New Moon in Aquarius will blanket the sky on February 11, helping you connect with your emotions in a very valuable way. Literally. Yes, Capricorn, I’m talking about money! As a mountain goat, you put a lot of attention on climbing the ladder straight to the top, earning your fair share of both professional and monetary success. This is fabulous, but there are two sides to every coin (pun very much intended). In this case, the negative aspect to your hustle is that you—sometimes!—end up prioritizing material things a bit too much. During this New Moon, you’re presented with a unique opportunity to accept yourself exactly as you are: Incomplete, imperfect, and extraordinarily unique. Trust that you are enough, you are abundant, and you are truly invaluable. Yes, of course you haven’t reached all your goals yet—but good things take time. After all, an abundant attitude will generate more opportunities, so be generous with your self-love, Capricorn baby. You really can have it all!
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Then, on February 11, serious Saturn (your planetary ruler) will link up with revolutionary Uranus, forming a special connection known as a “square.” This aspect hasn’t occurred since Y2K, but it’s happening three times in 2021 (mark your cal for June 14 and December 24), making it one of the most distinctive cosmic occurrences of the year. For you, the Saturn-Uranus mash-up puts matters of the heart front and center—but not necessarily in the way you imagined. With Saturn, the planet of commitment, in Aquarius (the most progressive sign of the zodiac) and Uranus, the planet of rebellion, in Taurus (the most traditional sign of the zodiac), things are bound to get a bit weird…but remember that whatever narrative begins mid-month won’t resolve until the end of the year, so you have time to find the method to the madness. After all, the cosmos have a way of clarifying even the most chaotic scenarios. Trust the journey!
On February 18, the Sun slides into Pisces, kicking off Pisces season and the final chapter of the zodiac. The Sun will illuminate the area of your chart associated with communication, making you increasingly interested in catching up with old friends. I know what you’re thinking—won’t Mercury Retrograde get in the way? Theoretically, yes, but Mercury Retrograde ends on February 20 (phew!), which will make it a hell of a lot easier to express yourself! By the end of the month, be sure to take a break from back-to-back Zoom meetings to schedule some extremely overdue Zoom cocktail nights. You deserve to have some fun!
Finally, the month concludes with the Full Moon in Virgo on February 27, igniting some pretty major cravings—most specifically, tea. Under this sky, you’ll be attracting a ton of juicy gossip, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly know everything about everyone! Keep an eye on your emails, texts, DMs, and even good, old fashioned snail mail: When the universe wants to send you a message, it will use any available method. Remember that Full Moons shine light on absolutely everything, including what you probably didn’t want to know. The truth isn’t always going to be pretty, but being informed is better than being left in the dark. You got this!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Erika W. Smith