Dream big. No, bigger.

Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Happy February, Gemini! It’s a brand new month, which means the possibilities are truly limitless! We open with a New Moon on February 11, and with the Sun and Moon aligning in Aquarius (a like-minded air sign), this lunation will surely feel like a breath of fresh air. This is a terrific opportunity to set intentions for the year ahead, so be sure to check in with your progressive, innovative sensibilities: How can you grow? Remember, the sky will be completely dark during this New Moon, helping tune out distractions and inviting you to look inward. I know it sounds cheesy, but trust that all the answers you seek already exist within. All you need to do is listen.
On February 17, strict Saturn connects with progressive Uranus in a tight 90º angle, forming the first of three squares—one of the most distinctive astrological patterns of 2021. This alignment will also take place on June 14 and December 24, respectively, so the Saturn-Uranus square mid-February sets the stage for the greater narrative. Be sure to pay extra attention to important events, conversations, or emotional impulses that occur mid-month. Try not to judge any situation: Remember, we’ll be unpacking this for the rest of 2021! When in doubt, try focusing on listening instead of talking—I know that’s easier said than done, Gemini, but I promise it will be worth the effort!
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Just a few days later, on February 18, the Sun pivots into Pisces, kicking off the last season of the zodiac. And for you, Gemini babe, Pisces season inspires you to dream big—like, really f*cking big. For the next few weeks, you’ll be inspired to reassess your priorities, putting success at the forefront of your thoughts. Now, you’re ready to make some major changes. Update your resume, beautify your website, or reconnect with old colleagues for some light networking. Sure, it may take a little time before something major pops off, but you’re building something extraordinary, so why rush? After all, you’re after more than 15 minutes of fame…you want your virality to last a lifetime.
And, as if you need any more reason to believe that this is your time to shine, Mercury finally concludes its retrograde on February 20, helping you get back on track with communication. The good news? This will make it much easier to advocate for your needs. The bad news? This means you officially need to take responsibility for your action. Whomp whomp!
Finally, February ends with an elegant Full Moon in Virgo, which is—for you—a gentle reminder that even the baddest witches in the game need to fold laundry and do dishes. If your home is starting to get a bit chaotic, the electric moonlight will provide the perfect backdrop for a much-needing cleaning session. After all, you can’t expect to take over the world if dust mites are taking over your hallway! Clean environments are an integral part of spellwork—so grab a broom and make some magick!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly