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Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Welcome to February, Leo love! Are you feeling some extra special tingly feelings? I bet you are! With the Sun cruising through Aquarius—your opposite sign—not only are you celebrating your half birthday (a holiday that only lions truly know how to celebrate), but all of this energy in the relationship area of your birth chart makes you v inclined to couple up. On February 11, the New Moon will join the Sun in Aquarius, fusing your emotions with your actions. Does this mean you should spend all your time swiping on dating apps? Maybe—but in order to find true harmony, first you’ll need to work on your relationship with yourself. Cook yourself a delicious dinner, light a few romantic candles, and ask yourself important questions: What are you hopes? Dreams? Fears? Desires? Believe it or not, but you’re really never alone when you’re with yourself! As this new month unfolds, be sure to give yourself some extra generous self-love. J’adore!
Next, stoic Saturn and innovative Uranus form a harsh 90º angle called a square on February 17, the first of its kind since 2000! Generally, you make a point to be warm and hospitable, but this Saturn-Uranus alignment will inspire you to set some serious boundaries. People need to stop wasting your time! Don’t be surprised if you feel a little more aggressive than usual. Remember that this is the first installment of a three-part series (the next Saturn-Uranus squares will occur June 14 and December 24, respectively), so you won’t have all the information just yet. Give this story time to unfold, Leo—trust that it will be worth the wait!
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Speaking of waiting, the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18 and for you, this means everything is about to slow down…a lot. With the bright star (and your celestial ruler) shifting into the area of your chart associated with mystery and memories, you’re bringing the heat down to a cool simmer. This way, you have a little more time to reflect, unpack, and (perhaps most importantly) investigate. As you’re exploring the nooks and crannies of your psyche, don’t be afraid to ask your closest companions some important Qs as well. At the end of the day, solar action in this zone is all about getting intimate, so embrace the fine art of letting your guard down, Leo. You make vulnerability look chic!
Let’s be honest: Mercury Retrograde is super annoying. It has a way of turning the most minor inconveniences into absolute nightmares! But on February 20, Mercury finally concludes its retrograde cycle, making everything a lot less…hellish. And just in time for the months’ final lunation! The Full Moon in Virgo will electrify the sky on February 27, illuminating your financial zone and making you extra motivated to get that cash. Because Full Moons expose virtually everything (the good, the bad, and def the ugy), it’s very likely you’ll be presented with an opportunity that offers an unexpected payday—but can your schedule accommodate these newfound responsibilities? Only time will tell, darling Leo! But trust that this monetary moment means more is on the way. Stick with it, babe, you’re on the right track!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly