The stars have V-Day plans for you, Libra.

Your Libra Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Happy February, Libra love! It’s a brand new month, which means there’s a whole new helping of astrology, so grab your utensils and prepare to dig in! On February 11, a potent New Moon in Aquarius—a like-minded air sign—fuses your internal and external realities, inviting you to explore new dimensions of your creativity. You are a true artist, Libra darling, and now that both the Sun and Moon are activating your innate confidence, you don’t need to worry about the critics, aka haters. How do you want to express yourself, Libra? This New Moon is bound to be groundbreaking, so don’t be afraid to explore your curiosities. Magic is everywhere!
Next, on February 17, tough Saturn in Aquarius and progressive Uranus in Taurus square off for the first time in 21 years! Yes, it’s been a minute since these two have connected at a 90º angle, but this year, they’ll be uniting on three separate occasions. That’s right, Libra love: This is the part one of a three-part installment that will continue on June 14 and December 24. So what does it mean for you? With both your passion and your intimacy zones activated through this transit, it becomes clear that in order to form long-lasting and honest bonds, you’re going to need to get vulnerable. In a major way. By mid-month, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to let you guard down, so give this newfound honesty a try! With two more installments coming later in 2021, you have plenty of time to practice!
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The romantic story continues through Valentine’s Day. Pisces Season begins on February 18, infusing matters of the heart to unexpected places—and I mean that literally. With the Sun now cruising through the area of your chart associated with daily routine, you may find yourself falling in love with a stranger on your commute...or grocery store run…or evening dog walk. Sure, love looks different in a pandemic, but c’mon, masks are sexy! Oh, and if you’re worried about Mercury Retrograde getting in the way, fear not—the planet of communication's backward spin concludes on February 20, making expression a whole lot easier. The coast is clear!
Finally, the month wraps up with a powerful Full Moon in Virgo on February 27. Under this sky, you’ll be shifting your attention away from the daily grind to the nightly hustle—yes, Libra, I’m talking about your subconscious. Don’t be surprised if your dreams are extra enchanted during the Full Moon (although it may not be easy to sleep—Full Moons are notoriously exhausting). If something is off-balance, it will definitely show up in your psyche, so don’t be afraid to explore the nooks and crannies of your subconscious. This lunation is down to get weird… and so are you!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly