Invest in your nest.

Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Feeling...overwhelmed? I don’t blame you, Scorpio. Even the “New Year, New Me” vibes aren’t strong enough to override the intensity of the moment. Thankfully, a New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 will inspire you to find your calm. Activating your fourth house of home and family, this lunation urges you to connect with your truest self by investing in your nest. Although it’s the dead of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, some indoor gardening will help you feel grounded, so consider stopping by your local nursery and adopting some new houseplants. You’re pure magick, Scorpio love, and that means you can channel your energy whenever—and wherever—your heart desires. If you’re inspired to turn your bathroom into a full-blown tropical oasis, go for it! Under this sky, the possibilities are truly endless.
Next up, on February 17, serious Saturn in Aquarius links up with innovative Uranus in Taurus, forming a dynamic bond known as a “square.” This particular alignment hasn’t occurred since 2000 (!!!) and it sends shockwaves through the areas of your chart associated with family and relationships. It’s possible you may start to feel like romance and security are mutually exclusive—but don’t worry, Scorpio! You can have passion and stability! It is important to note, however, that this is the first installment of a three-part series that will continue on June 14 and December 24. In other words, no matter what happens mid-month, know that this narrative is *still* evolving. Patience isn’t easy, Scorpio love, but an important transformation is always worth the wait!
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Pisces season kicks off on February 18 when the Sun slides into the last sign of the zodiac. Yes, Valentine’s Day may be over, but for the next few weeks, you’ll be feeling ~amorous~. You’re ready to fall head-over-heels in love…or, at the very least, seduce someone into becoming totally obsessed with you. So go ahead, Scorpio darling, post your thirstiest selfies and swipe right on a few prospective lovers. Sure, not every situationship is going to end well, but prioritizing love may actually inspire you to think outside the box in virtually every aspect of your life. We love to see it!
Ready for more good news? After three weeks of miscommunications, you’ll finally be able to share your ideas with ease: Mercury Retrograde concludes on February 20, making it much easier for you to express even the most complex feels! Perfect timing, too, because on February 27, the month will conclude with a powerful Full Moon in Virgo. Under this electric sky, you’ll receive important info about which of your creative ideas are great and which could…well, use a bit more workshopping. But don’t get discouraged! Even artistic geniuses need to go back to the drawing board every now and then. Under the light of the Full Moon, you’ll be sure to find your voice—so don’t be afraid to howl!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly