Think outside the bullpen.

Your Taurus Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Welcome to February, Taurus! It’s only the beginning of the year, but as we roll into the second month, it’s likely that you’re beginning to gauge the look and feel of 2021. But don’t jump to any conclusions: This month is guaranteed to bring some important developments. First, a New Moon occurs on February 11 with the Sun (symbolizing ego) and Moon (representing emotions) aligning in Aquarius. Activating the very top of your birth chart, this lunation helps you realize that, when it comes to your career, the sky’s truly the limit. But professional opportunities aren’t just going to fall on your lap—you need to turn your dreams into reality, Taurus. Under this New Moon, center yourself through activities that make you feel confident, inspired, and capable. Whether you’re tidying your desk, lacing up your running shoes, or taking some sultry selfies that make you feel like a bad bitch, your goal is to feel strong, bold, and resilient—a fabulous vibe that will send shockwaves across every aspect of life.
Next up, on February 17, Saturn in Aquarius creates a tense 90º angle (known as a “square aspect”) to Uranus in your own damn sign of Taurus. I’m not going to lie: Squares can be a bit challenging—in fact, they’re infamous for fueling friction. However, this Saturn-Uranus meeting is activating the areas of your chart associated with legacy and autonomy, so don’t be surprised if you have a major breakthrough. This is also the first installment of a three-part series: Saturn and Uranus will link up again on June 14 and December 24, so this is just the beginning of a new chapter. Be sure to take note of anything major that occurs mid-month—this story will take time to unfold, but it will be very worthwhile.
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The Sun cruises into Pisces on February 18—a cosmic motion that, for you, kicks off both Pisces season and a period of collaboration! Pisces highlights the area of your chart associated with community, teamwork, and alliances, so for the next few weeks, you’ll be inspired to expand your social circle. Don’t be afraid to hit up a friend-of-a-friend, Taurus! I know it’s not easy to broaden your horizons against the backdrop of a global pandemic, but Pisces season invites you to step outside the box. Whether you’re joining an online community, tapping into an alumni network, or checking out networking apps like Clubhouse, trust that there are many, many amazing people out there who will share your values. To sweeten the deal, Mercury will be concluding its retrograde on February 20, making it a whole lot easier for you to fortify connections. I know that—as a Taurus—you’re not always eager to try new things, but by the end of the month, you’ll be eager to give it a shot! You got this!
Finally, the month concludes with a Full Moon in Virgo on February 27. Usually, your favorite type of adventure includes a reality television marathon and a surprise glass of vino, but under this electric sky, you’ll feel motivated to create something extra magical. Whether you’re been dreaming of writing a book, starting a podcast, or investing in a brand new watercolor set, this striking Full Moon will motivate you to embrace your artistic voice. Don’t forget, Taurus love, that you can make a major difference in the world. Your unique perspective on life is one-of-a-kind, and it deserves to be shared! Get ready to ~shine~ beneath the moonlight, Taurus—how absolutely fabulous!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly