How's your budget, Virgo?

Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope for February
Add these dates to your GCal:
- February 11: New Moon in Aquarius
- February 17: Saturn square Uranus
- February 18: Pisces season begins
- February 20: Mercury Retrograde ends
- February 27: Full Moon in Virgo
Hello, Virgo love! It’s now February, the shortest month of the year— but don’t worry, it’s still a doozy. *Cringes quietly* First up, the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11 will inspire inward reflection. As the Moon joins the Sun in this revolutionary air sign, it will become increasingly clear that your external circumstances perfectly reflect your internal experiences. Lean into this lunation by carving out time to move your body, relax your mind, or schedule an appointment with a metaphysical practitioner. Under this dark and enchanted sky, fortifying the link between your mind, body, and spirit will enable you to find more balance, harmony, and passion in every aspect of life. How divine!
Next, on February 17, a dynamic alignment called a square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus kicks off one of this year’s most significant cosmic patterns. What will it bring for you, Virgo love? Well, I know you’ve been trying to be a bit more frugal lately, but it’s about to become shockingly clear that in order for you to meet your monetary goals, things need to change…in a major way. Whether you cut back on your Seamless orders or start searching for a higher-paying gig, this Saturn-Uranus mash-up will encourage you to take action. But if your bank account doesn’t reflect your ambition, don’t fret. This is the first of a three-part series—the next Saturn-Uranus squares will occur on June 14 and December 24—which means the story is still unfolding! Be patient, Virgo—this narrative is just getting started!
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Then, the very next day, on February 18, the Sun will cruise into Pisces—your opposite sign—kicking off Pisces season and activating your partnership zone. Get ready to say “I do”...or at the very least, “okay!” The next few weeks are your personal cuffing season, which means it’s an excellent time to double-down on matters of the heart. Single Virgos may be inspired to reactivate their dating apps, or ask a friend-of-a-friend for a romantic introduction. Already cuffed? It’s likely you’ll be taking your relationship to the next level. Whether you’re exchanging keys, vows, or preparing to DTR, you’ll be building on these connections over the next several weeks. How exciting!
But for those skeptical Virgos (aka every Virgo), I know what you’re thinking: Isn’t Mercury Retrograde going to make everything terrible? Fear not, my darling! Mercury Retrograde concludes on February 20! After three weeks of miscommunications, bizarre technological malfunctions, and so. much. ibuprofen, the planet of communication (and your celestial ruler) is finally back in business. Inspired to pop the bubbly? I don’t blame you, Virgo—this is definitely worthy of celebration!
Finally, the month ends with something extra special: Mark your calendar, because on February 27, 2021’s only Full Moon in your sign will electrify the cosmos. Under the moonlight, your priority shifts from others back to…well, yourself. This is an excellent day to make a list of wishes, desires, wants, and needs. Don’t hold back—honesty is key! After all, this Full Moon will reward you with the opportunity to transform your dreams into reality. But in order to make that happen, you need to specify your intentions. There’s no need to be embarrassed, Virgo—under the light of the Full Moon, truly anything is possible!

This story originally appeared on: Cosmopolitan - Author:Aliza Kelly