Astrophysicist and university vice-chancellor Somak Raychaudhury outlines the significance of the country’s space programme

The Chandrayaan lunar landing and how it could impact India’s brain drain

Somak Raychaudhury discusses India's brain drain and achievements in space science.

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In August, the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft touched down, making India only the fourth country to have successfully landed a spacecraft on the moon. In this Working Scientist podcast, Somak Raychaudhury, astrophysicist and vice-chancellor at Ashoka University, India, tells Jack Leeming about India’s history of space research, the significance of the lunar landing, and how it might help to stem a “brain drain” of Indian researchers moving abroad permanently to develop their careers.

The episode is part of the Nature Spotlight on India, an editorially-independent supplement.


This story originally appeared on: Nature - Author:Jack Leeming