A brain circuit for infanticide, in mice

Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 7 June 2023
Listen to the latest science news, with Noah Baker and Nick Petrić Howe.
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00:46 The mouse brain circuit controlling infanticidal behaviour
In mammals, infanticide is a relatively common behaviour, but not a default one. For example, virgin female mice will often kill young produced by other females, but this behaviour disappears when they become mothers themselves. To understand this switch, researchers have identified a brain circuit associated with infanticidal behaviour that gets switched off after mice give birth. They hope that by better understanding this circuit it could inform why animals engage in such behaviours.
Research article: Mei et al.
Research Briefing: A battle between neural circuits for infanticide and maternal-care behaviours
08:11 Research Highlights
The cyclone raging at the north pole of Uranus, and the ants that build landmarks to help them find their way home.
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10:52 Getting to the source of fast solar wind
The Sun produces streams of plasma called solar wind that stretch out and provide a protective bubble around the Solar System. However, despite decades of study, there’s much that isn’t known about how the Sun makes it. Now, a team has used data from the Parker Solar Probe and shown that the source of one sort of wind, known as ‘fast solar wind’, appears to be due to colliding magnetic fields that produce the huge amount of energy needed to fire plasma away from the Sun.
Research article: Bale et al.
17:50 Briefing Chat
We discuss some highlights from the Nature Briefing. This time the origins of patriarchal societies, and the tiling pattern that never repeats itself.
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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-01895-0
This story originally appeared on: Nature - Author:Noah Baker