If a woman can't get help while she is being raped in public, what is the hope for people who are raped or assaulted behind closed doors?
For its November 2001 issue, Glamour dispatched two dozen reporters to talk to volunteers, victims, witnesses, and widows.
His conviction was overturned by a Pennsylvania court.
“I am appalled and embarrassed.”
The lingerie brand has swapped its Angels for a more inclusive partnership program.
Reaction to the bill is mixed. As one Twitter user wrote, “We’re tired of symbolism and no substance. Instead of a day off…stop violating our rights.”
It makes sense.
“Everyone across the country who cares about this issue needs to get motivated and active now."
So sweet!
Writer Yesha Callahan did everything right, including having “the talk” with her son. And yet he still endured a traumatic encounter with the cops.