Return to the Outdoors With up to 46% off Camping and Hiking Gear

Snag deep discounts on backpacks, tents, sleeping bags and other camping equipment for your next adventure
As the weather warms, many of us are getting out of the house and returning to outdoor activities like camping and hiking. And you're going to want the right equipment and gear when embarking on a new adventure. Amazon has lanterns, sleeping bags, backpacks, tents and much more discounted by up to 46% right now, making it a great time to grab some essentials. We don't know how long these offers will last, so we recommend making your purchase sooner rather than later.
See at AmazonYou can snag the Coleman Tandem 3-in-1 double sleeping bag for $77 (save $43). It's a great choice for couples, larger bodies and campers who struggle with claustrophobia, but it can also zip apart into two separate sleeping bags when you need to accommodate more people.
There are also tents of various sizes available, including this 8-person family tent from Coleman. Normally $350, it's marked down to just $202 currently. It's weatherproof and you can set it up in as little as 60 seconds thanks to pre-attached poles. It also comes with a carry bag for easy transport and storage. Plus, portable tripod camp chairs are discounted by 40% right now, bringing the price to $21 each.
And for as little as $99, you can grab an Osprey Sportlite 25-liter hiking backpack to carry the rest of your gear with you, like these solar-powered string lights for $38 that can provide up to 20 hours of light on a single charge, or the Coleman 360-degree lantern and Bluetooth speaker combo, which can stream music for up to 20 hours and has three different light settings. It's marked down to just $48 currently (save $17).
There are plenty of other items available at bargain prices, so be sure to check out the entire sale selection at Amazon and grab all the gear you need for your next trek into the the great outdoors.
This story originally appeared on: CNet - Author:Adrian Marlow